This is a must buy for kids who love Mario Brothers and need an alternative to constant video games.I got this for my 7 year old son, who is a huge mario fan, but also wanted to learn about chess. The characters are useful for remembering the various types of moves and he has had a lot of fun playing. The good vs evil set up gives him motivation to win and thus he is learning in the process. A very good introductory set, for to teach kids who like the mario universe but might be confused by the normal chess pieces. 5 Stars *****My son found Super Mario Bros. Chess online and decided to buy it with his birthday money.The pieces are well made and sturdy. They are also clearly marked as to which type of piece they are: pawn,rook,queen,etc.I think using the Mario Bros. characters makes the game a little more fun to learn for younger kids. My son is 8 and he has been asking everyone to play chess with him since his game arrived. I think he would give it a two thumbs up and so do I.
Read Best Reviews of Super Mario Chess Here
I debated buying this several times, but the price always kept me away.I finally took the plunge and bought it, hoping it would interest my 7 year old son in chess.And it worked.He absolutely loves playing this.The pieces are quite durable they are good enough to be stand alone figures if they weren't attached to their bases.
It takes a little while to get used to what figure it what (Luigi is the queen??) but once you figure it out, it becomes second nature.
The board gets very crowded Bowser is huge, so its often difficult to see open diagonal paths.
The bottom line is that if your kid loves Mario, then they will love this.I've recommended it to several friends and while it is a bit pricey, it really is worth it.
It comes in a nice tin that protects the game pieces.
You might also check our Mario Yahtzee it is quite good as well.
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This was given to my six year old. He likes playing chess and loves Mario. The combination is great and the pieces look wonderful! The detail work is amazing.But I don't care for the board. I thought it would be sturdier but it is only cardboard. It folds in four and that I know will not last too long. I also wish there was a better storage for the pieces. The plastic that it came in will eventually break and the pieces will be thrown around in the tin.
Overall pretty neat.
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