Lea Nick Grow With Me Play Table in White

Lea Nick Grow With Me Play Table in WhiteThis is a nice table but the build quality is not top notch.

Some of the components required cleaning out of the box but my biggest issue was the 9 missing bolts. The bolts were missing from the factory because the box did not have any openings and I did not lose any.

Check all your hardware and make sure it is there before starting to assemble it. I contacted the seller which contacted the manufacturer and 2 days later I had the needed hardware. I am satisfied with their quick response but better quality control is needed at the factory.

Also, the drawers are made of sheet metal and have sharp edges. They are not terrible, but you have to be careful if you also have smaller kids around.

The time needed to assemble the table (with all the hardware at hand) = 30-40 mins. The table height is adjustable (3 settings) at the time of assembly. If you need to adjust it again, you need to unscrew 4 bolts.

This table does not come with stools. Those can be found for around $60 and come in pairs.

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