Magic: the Gathering - Loxodon Smiter (178) - Return to Ravnica

Magic: the Gathering - Loxodon Smiter - Return to RavnicaAt first glance, this card looks rather unexciting. In most matches it's just a 4/4 creature for 3 mana that doesn't do much else, which is always good, but never really amazing. Granted, it has art of an elephant carrying a giant hammer, which is awesome, but you're not paying $4 for that. So is this card good? Sometimes, yes. It's never bad, sometimes great, and sometimes quite mediocre.

First, when do you need this card? If your opponents play zombies, then great, stuff your deck full of these. A 4/4 for 3 mana is a must-kill for zombies, which typically attacks with 2/2 and 3/2 creatures. Even if they just kill the Smiter immediately, that's one less removal spell for your heavy hitters (read: silverblade paladin, sublime archangel, wolfir silverheart) to face.

However, if your opponents are playing the kind of deck that plays turn 4 supreme verdicts, this creature simply isn't very good, because it offers you no value in a board stall, and no value after a board sweeper or removal spell. It's also, strangely enough, too slow to adequately pressure a control player compared to stuff like Silverblade Paladin, and does not compare favorably to Thragtusk. Against control decks, you're probably going to want cards that are either faster or harder to deal with, and you're going to want four of Thalia, Guardian of Thraben if you even want a fighting chance. This guy, despite his "can't be countered" clause, is not very relevant in a control match.

Sorry. You probably wanted me to say, "this card is the bees knees!" or, "This card is not worthy of use as extremely uncomfortable toilet paper," but I can't. This card is solid but better choices often exist. Deckbuilding is hard. Welcome to Magic.


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