The photo and description made me think the display top was rectangular and larger.The dimensions above, "7.8 x 6.6 x 2.8 inches", are inaccurate (I think that's the measurement of the BOX it comes in).The actual turntable is square (with a slight outward bow on each side), and is 5.5" across at the widest point (the diagonal measurement is 6.5").The whole assembly stands exactly 2" tall.
As another review mentioned, the speed of this device is probably its biggest downfall.A typical turntable runs between 2 and 4 RPM, a nice gentle turn.This one clocks in at a whopping 16 RPM that's less than 4 seconds per complete rotation.It's good for an attention-getting display, but if you're trying to show off detailed artwork from every angle, it's going to be awkward for that.If you're comfortable with electronics, it shouldn't be too hard to modify to run slower, but out of the box, it's just too darned fast.
I bought this to display a model for a show, but the thing rotates a lot more rapidly than I expected. Since I had put LED lights in the model it looks like a party light spinning, with no time to really take in the details of the piece.
Not bad for the price, just need to figure out a way to slow it down if I want to use it.
Buy 1/32 Motorized Rotating Display Now
I needed this for displaying my artwork in a gallery space.They worked well and the batteries lasted for the entire month long show (they were shut off at night and when gallery was closed).Others I looked at were as much as $40.I needed to have 8, so I was much happier with this price point.I bought this item in the high hopes to display my car in it's full and complete glory, to impress my friends and maybe find one of the female persuasion.All my hopes were dashed when I parked my littlered car on top of it... the entire thing was utterly crushed beyond recognition!I mean totally destroyed!CRUNCH!I broke it!I'm not much of a mechanic, or artiest.So I naturally assumed it was my fault.So I ordered another to try again before my big party.And blammo!My wee pride and joy totally pulverized the thing.CRUNCH!Good thing no one showed up to my party or I would have completely embarrassed.I'm sure I had read the instructions properly.My third one is currently sitting here in it's box.My car is idling outside.I fear I may fail again.As I do.At everything.Sigh.
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