Warhammer 40K Battlefield Accessories

Warhammer 40K Battlefield AccessoriesThese are great supplemental terrain for any miniatures wargamer.This little pack comes with fuel barrels, tank traps, and some ammo boxes.They require some assembly, as one should expect when buying Games Workshop items and they are unpainted.This allows the buyer to tailor the colors specifically to their terrain or setting.These items would be great if you want to use them as objectives during your Warhammer 40k game.I'm actually considering picking up multiple packs of these so I can create a large cache of ammo and a large ammo dump.Either of these could result in a glorious explosion!If you get the "Cities of Death" book it even has some creative suggestions on how to modify these to make them look even more like an ammo cache or fuel dump.

These miniatures are all plastic and very easy to put together.In comparison to other miniatures these put together in mere minutes.Definitely a good buy for the miniature wargamer regardless of what your game is, whether it is Warhammer 40k, Battletech or AT-43, etc.


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