NBC's Minute to Win It Board Game

NBC's Minute to Win It Board GameWe really wanted to like this game since we are such big fans of the tv show and the printable blueprints on the show's website. This game could have been the perfect example of a great user experience that engages the audiences both online and offline. As it is right now, they have made this game in the cheapest way possible in order to make the greatest amount of profit. The box says it's a board game, but there is no board, only thin, flimsy paperboard similar to a thickness of a cereal box. They've actually manufactured this game in order for the outer box to become part of the game. If Mattel has ever done any sort of target audience research, they would know that most of these cheap outer boxes usually get torn or crumpled by the second round of play or during storage. With that in mind, I don't understand why they would make the outer box part of the game scenarios. As well, the cardboard tubes are so flimsy that they don't stay open for the games where you need to drop or roll items into. And don't even think about using the flattened tube as a ramp because it never stays flat enough for anything to roll correctly, thus making play very difficult if not absolutely impossible. I would definitely spend more money for this game if they get the hint to remake this game with better quality props that actually reference and interact with the show's website. Until that happens though, my advice is to save your money. Just go to the NBC website and print the game blueprints and gather the materials from around your house. Yes, it's more of a hassle to print things one at a time online and then pull all the props together, but you'll have a much better experience. It's too bad that even Guy Fieri's standout brand can't save this one! His motto is: Go big or go home. Mattel should have just gone home on this one!

I am a retail store owner and just received my shipment of this game.My initial reaction was that this is a pretty expensive game to be so poorly packaged especially from Mattel.Just picking up the box, it bent and creased easily and appeared to be made out of cereal box cardboard and held closed with 8 pieces of tape evidently, Mattel did not think it was necessary to cellophane wrap it as it does other products or to package it well enough for handling.I am looking at Apples to Apples which for the SAME cost, is in a thick, durable quality box with bright detail. I can imagine after customers pick up the box after a couple of times, the game won't be sellable.How could anyone have "fun" if the game is of this substandard quality.

This is such a disappointment after years of doing business with Mattel and I will provide these comments to Mattel.I strongly recommend that anyone who has purchased this with disappointment to return it to your seller with your comments.

I would think Mattel would want to do a recall and pounce on their QC team.

Buy NBC's Minute to Win It Board Game Now

Our kids are huge fans of the show and when we saw this board game we thought it would be a fun way for the kids to recreate some of the challenges we've seen on TV. As a previous reviewer mentioned, the cardboard box (I use the term loosely) the game comes in is supposed to be used in many of the challenges. After playing one game, the box is bent and the challanges are impossible. Please don't waste your money on this game. I wish Mattel would have tested the product before putting it on the store shelves.

Read Best Reviews of NBC's Minute to Win It Board Game Here

We just played this game with 2 adults and 2 13 yr old boys, and we had a blast playing this together! There are 40 different challenges, some one person, and some take 2 players to do.We laughed a LOT watching each other attempt some of the challenges, some are hard...and some are simple...just enough of both to keep it interesting.

I was surprised to see only negative reviews, all based on the sturdiness of the cardboard box, a few of the challenges do include the box top, and an insert that is kind of cheap,but it held up fine for us... and I think it will hold up fine through many game times.

We didn't play with the "money"there really isn't enough money cards to truly collect the amount on the finished challenges, so we gave up on collecting and just took turns doing challenges.

I would highly recommend this game to families!!

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My son had come home from a friends house raving about this game and we decided to purchase it as a gift for him.When I looked it up online the reviews were very mixed so I was wary of purchasing.I am glad I did purchase.We laughed so much and so often that it was worth it even for the memories of our first time playing.I highly recommend this game (bought under $20) for physical fun for mixed ages of players.It may be slightly under constructed but I have no doubt we will enjoy playing it for years.


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