Russ Berrie Yomiko Lop Ear Bunny 17"

Russ Berrie Yomiko Lop Ear Bunny 17'My kids got this bunny for Easter and it is truely adorable...looks a little odd in the pic, dont know if it is the black contrast that makes it look weird in the face or what but my worries were over when I saw his face for the first time. However, there a few flaws or maybe not flaws but discrepancies...this rabbit is not close to 17 inches long, they are counting if you extend the ears out past the body, which is just plain false advertising if you ask me! They do that with all of the Jellycat rabbits as well though and maybe a lot of the stuffed animals, but I havent really noticed until this rabbit because the size was so different than the description. It is a solid 13 1/2 inches...I measured and I was expecting a larger rabbit for my $25. The rabbit is just so cute though that the size didnt phase me much and normally that would really make me mad but the rabbit is so incredibly life-like, soft as a real bunny and my kids call it their "dog" because of the way it lays down...they told me that bunnies sit on their hind legs with front paws up and in front! HILARIOUS...can't wait to see a real bunny with them again! Also, around the eyes there looks to be some dye or paint that is used to make the face look a certain way and it was a little matted on the ones we got, not a huge deal unless it were to maybe get wet??? I hope not because this is surely a new kids are stuffed fanatics! Lastly, it comes with a little hang tag around its neck including the paper hang tag that looks like a collar and it does add something to the cuteness or ability to be a pet! This is a plush I would buy for anyone and highly recommend as it looks durable, realistic and is incredibly soft. We are very happy!

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