Kidkraft Aspen Table and Chair Set

KidKraft  Aspen Table and Chair Set - NaturalI bought this set for my grandsons 2nd birthday.My son found it very easy to assemble and my daughter in law loves it because it is a lovely piece of furniture.My grandson loves to sit at the table and look at books or build with blocks.This is a sturdy set that will last for many years.

I like the quality of the table and chairs.It wasn't too hard to install.Glue was sitting in the box and I couldn't find it until after the whole thing was together.The only thing I don't love is that it's a little small.It's great for 3 years and younger.But it's small for a 5 year old.Unfortunately, he is the one that really uses it.The kids love it for doing puzzles.The surface size is perfect.

Buy Kidkraft Aspen Table and Chair Set Now

We found this set easy to assemble, and so far it has faired well under the abuse of our 3 year old. The table cleans up well after meals. The chairs are a bit slippery on the kitchen floor and are heavy due to their wood composition, but after a few spills our son got the hang of using them. All in all, a good buy.

Read Best Reviews of Kidkraft Aspen Table and Chair Set Here

After extensive research we decided on this table and chairs set for our 22 month old daughter for Christmas.I compared this table to the Kidkraft Farmhouse set and Avalon set.In my opinion, the Farmhouse is too small and the Avalon too big for toddlers.This set was right down the middle.

Right now her toes don't quite touch the floor but she's still able to sit nicely and play at it.Plus, she has plenty of room to grow into it.The set was very easy to put together, 15 minutes max.The material is solid wood and so far seems sturdy.My only wish is that this set came with 4 chairs instead of 2.But after searching the internet I found that we can buy additional Aspen chairs at a price of $30-$40 per chair, which we intend to do.

Very pleased with our purchase!

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Very pleased with this, rock solid.Beautiful finish and well made.I'm not sure what one reviewer's reference to glue is about.This doesn't need any glue.All the holes matched easily, the assembly instructions are clear but you'll barely need them.All screw locations are recessed so the screws are flush, nothing sticks out.An Allen wrench comes with it and that's all you'll need for assembly.It took 25 minutes to unpack and assemble.

There's a warning on the Amazon web page about small parts, but that can only apply prior to assembly.If properly assembled, this table and chair set won't come apart in normal use and there are no other small parts.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission doesn't seem to have any specific recommendations on child chairs.They recommend the maximum distance between slats/posts on a crib be no more than 2 3/8 inches (60mm).The distance between the chair back and chair seat is 5".The distance between the bottom of the chair seat and the lower seat leg stiffiners is 5 1/2 inches.That's information, not a criticism. It's conceivable a child could get their head stuck.Make your own judgement.I would have preferred smaller openings.

The box says it's for ages 2 to 5, but once a child can sit up alone most will be OK with this.The seats are low of course.

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