Finding Nemo Game

Finding Nemo GameMy four-year-old son received this game as a gift.He is a huge Nemo fan.At first, we thought the game might be too complicated for him, but after a few run-throughs, he got the hang of it.After a couple of weeks of playing the game every day, he wins most of the time.This game teaches children to think strategy.It's terrific and I highly recommend it.(Hard to admit, but the other night, my husband and I played after the kids went to bed!!!Ha, ha, ha!)

My 5 year old son received this game as a gift.When I looked at the rules of the game, it seemed a lot more complicated than he could handle, but after a few run throughs, he really caught on.He is even picking up the idea of strategy by picking up other players' tiles.Overall, I think this is a decent educational game.It teaches abstract thinking (trying to put the right tiles down) and strategy.Try it!

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Good game for kinder garden kids very educationalkids learn a lot my dauther love it I make a good purchase

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The goal is to help Nemo find a path through the sewer pipes to the ocean.You have a bank of pipe pieces and are trying to create a path to the "ocean".You roll dice to determine 1) if you get to lay or remove any pipe(path) pieces and 2) how many spaces you are allowed to move.It is a strategy game that is fun for many ages (if you can overlook the Nemo characters.)

My daughter loved this when she was 4.We played a very friendly everyone-tries-to-get-to-the-ocean-and-doesn't-worry-about-anyone-else type game where it focused on planning ahead for multiple possible paths.As she mastered that, we started playing increasingly cutthroat games where we planned ahead not only for our own possible paths, but also visualizing the possible paths of other players requiring the use of defensive and offensive strategies.Now she is 8, still loves this game, and relishes the strategy challenge it presents.

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Very cool!! Even though I hardly ever play it, stragety is the name of this game. Try and be the first player to get Nemo back home to his anemone. This kinda reminds me of an old Pocahontas game I have. Overall, it's very cute, fun, and educational.


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