Hasbro Operation

Hasbro OperationWhen I read all of the bad reviews for this Gen X classic board game, I just laughed! Especially the review about the young child that played this game and got so nervous because of the buzzer that he/she threw up!Then... I wondered about the world we live in...Who would have thought that a simple game like Hasbro's Operation could make a person question the social decline of the next generation?

Firstly, Gen Y parents... This is a game for 6 to 12 year olds. it's called "reading the front of the box before you buy".

Secondly, the pieces and the cavities that the pieces fit in are the EXACT same size, made of the EXACT same plastic, and is an EXACT duplicate of the game board I owned in the 70's, so stop your GEN Y whining!

The object of the game is to practice, have a steady hand and beat your opponent.It ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BE EASY!Just like the Gen Y's offspring is being taught today if it's too difficult, too scary, too loud, too ANYTHING, then it's just OK to throw it down and give up. What a wimpy generation we soon will have running this country in 25 to 30 years.

I had three kids, ages 6 to 12 over to our house and got out this game for them to play with.I helped the 6 year old some but all three ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!Obviously, they are the exception to the rule among the children being raised today...

Cavity Sam is the patient and you are pitted against your opponent with "doctor" cards that describe what part of the body to operate on and if successful, get paid.If your oppponent isn't successful, you get the next shot at the same body part but with a "specialist" card. Specialist, of course, get more money for operations than do doctors.If you touch the sides of the body cavity with the tweezers, Sam's nose lights up and a loud buzzer sounds.The person with the most money in completed operations wins!

This also teaches kids about body parts, reading, and to establish some great hand/eye coordination.Much more than, oh... let's say a Game Boy or an X Box would.Great family fun!Two "D" batteries not included...

Happy Playing!

Like a lot of people, I have fond memories of this classic game.Our cousins had it, and we were always excited when we visited them so we could play, but if we did anything to annoy them they wouldn't bring it out.Oh yes.Good times.

So we got the game out of nostalgia and we have enjoyed it.The pieces are all here -wishbone, breadbasket, wrenched ankle, broken heart -12 in all.They are smaller than I remember, but that may or may not reflect reality.It runs on 2 D batteries, and when they run low the buzzer stops working.There's no on/off switch.

Buy Hasbro Operation Now

My kids (ages 4 and 5) really loved this game. I purchased it for them because I remember playing it as a child and thought they would enjoy it. Something inside of me feels good when I see my kids playing these "classic" games. The pieces are small and not recommended for very small children. My daughters had trouble successfully reaching the object of the games which is pulling the game pieces from the patient without setting off the buzzer, but they didn't experience frustration with this because the buzzer was hilarious to them! They would have set it off on purpose anyway!

Read Best Reviews of Hasbro Operation Here

I can't believe all the negative comments on here.First of all you don't get shocked, it's a vibrating game.NO SHOCK! I also agree with Sheila.People now-a-days expect everything to be easy, well this game is challaging, and it's fun.My kids 5 and 7 loved this game(as well as mom and dad).It is not an easy game so if that is what you're looking for play duck, duck, goose.This is a game that requires patience and a steady hand. My kids learned to slow down, life doesn't have to happen in a second (unless it's my five year old that is too young to play and he is just going in for the buzzer...haha).And by the way who said operating on someone was easy?If you can take the time to slow down and have a good laugh this is a GREAT game.

My kids are rough on games and we have had no problems with it. The only thing is the pieces are very small and easily lost so keep them in a baggie.

Want Hasbro Operation Discount?

If you view the photo associated with the purchase above, you think you will receive the original version of Hasbro's Operation game.This was not the case for me!I received the newer, revised version of the game with strange sounds and awful parts!I paid more for this product because I thought I would get the orignal.You could easily pay $10 or $15 for the version that I received.I am very frustrated and I will be returning this game.


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