Intex 117-by-76-by-53-Inch Rainbow Ring Pool Play Center

Intex  117-by-76-by-53-Inch Rainbow Ring Pool Play CenterUnlike many pools you see, this one is actually about the size as you'd expect from the box.It has several activitiessuch as the ball ramps, the slide and the rings that seem like they might be fun for a younger child.It is rated 3 years+, but the activities seem like they'd be enjoyed best by someone between 1 and 3.

The little pillows on the larger ring make a squeaking noise when squeezed, which would no doubt bring squeals of giggles from the tots.The most fun part, however is the shower, which when the hose is turned up high whips around and showers everything!This has been found to be hysterical, if best done near a flower bed that needs the water anyway.At lower pressure it showers down one pool or the other, depending on which direction the rainbow arch is drooping.

Unfortunately our boys are a bit out of this age range (3 & 5 now) and while they enjoy it as a pool, its clear the activities are a bit beneath them. It is made of light weight PVC, such as you might expect from a drug store inflatable raft.The larger rings have both large holes for an air pump, as well as smaller ones to be inflated directly by a person.The ramps, rainbow and other accessories are all person inflatable only.The air-pump holes are also not valved, so be quick about getting the caps on!I suspect it will prove not be as durable and easy to use as our previous pool, which was better constructed, though also made by Intex.

In short, a toddler would love this pool, and if it didn't survive more than one season it is probably still a value.For larger kids prone to running jumps onto the tubes, there may be a better choice.At this point I expect to be looking again next year.

My two year old loved this, he and three of the neighborhood kids, ranging in age from 2-6 years old had a blast in this pool and put it through the ringer. I am completely satisified with this pools entertainment value but there is a huge catch for the parents... there's no drain for it and it holds about 110 gallons of water! Which means 1) you must keep it covered when not in use, 2) will have to bail out this pool one bucket at a time to clean it!!! And trust me its no small task, I have it down to about a 45 minute process. I also tried using a hose with negative pressure to try and siphon-drain it and it took about three hours to move only a few gallons of it.Seriously unless you want this for infrequent use and you intend to just deflate it every time, don't bother. Its allot of work for something that would have been such an easy fix for the company to install! Just one little drain!

Buy Intex 117-by-76-by-53-Inch Rainbow Ring Pool Play Center Now

I bought this formy two year old daughter for her birthday, and she loves it.As others have said, it's actually the size you would expect coming out of the box.I actually inflated it myself without a pump, and it didn't seem to take that long.I used the larger valves to blow most of the air and once it was close to inflated, I used the smaller valves to finish.

It seems durable enough so far.I will echo one other person's comment about there not being drains.While they would be nice, it wasn't that big of a deal to drain this morning.I just stepped on the sides and let a lot of the water drain out that way.

I highly recommend.

Read Best Reviews of Intex 117-by-76-by-53-Inch Rainbow Ring Pool Play Center Here

I purchased this product for my daughters 2nd birthday.She LOVED it once it was up.The problem was taking it down/emptying it. There is no drain plug.The other review that stated it had 2 holes is referring to the air holes. Unless you wish to deflate and inflate each time its not worth your time. A pool cover will only delay the inevitable and increase chances of bacteria with the sitting water.I'm returning it and going with the intex pool that is shaped like a star and has an inflatable bottom with a drain plug. Doesn't look as toddler/kid appealing but kids just like pools. So I hope it will work. Returning this pool has also been a hassle....Don't do it. I think your little one will be just as happy in a more practical pool...and you will too!

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This is a very cute, large kiddie pool that we enjoyed all summer long.The age on the box states 3 and up, but we purchased it for our 1 year old and it worked well for her and her friends that were up to about 4 or so.Older kids would probably rather have something else, though, as the slide and activities on this one were almost too "babyish" for my 4 year old nephew. It is lareg enough to accomodate several kids (and adults!I got in myself on some of those 90 degree + days!) I only gave this 4 stars because the rainbow sprinkler never stood up like it should and by the end of the summer the one ball roller side panel had deflated to the point that it wouldn't hold air. (to be fair my daughter had used that side to climb in and out, sitting on it as she went, and more than once I caught her bouncing on it like a rocking horse) Overall worth the price we paid (which was around 35, I believe)

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