Step2 Flip and Doodle Easel Desk with Stool

Step2 Flip and Doodle Easel Desk with StoolMy 4 1/2 yr old has this and it is the best ever! We debated over the larger step 2 art desk, but this is perfect (and cheaper to boot). It is not too big, very durable plastic. There are no hinges to break..the easel has plastic knobs that rotate in a groove. Only a few screws for assembly. The dry erase board only requires a tissue for erasing, and is MAGNETIC! Lots of storage space and a place for books in back. The easel tilts downward when flat, but there are grooves for the pens/markers to sit in so they don't roll (i think it tilts for ease of the child to see their work). I definitely recommend for anyone! And my 4 yr old will be able to use for quite some time. The stool is sturdy as well.

My two year old son loves this product. It's a little big for him to use as a desk right now so he uses the easel. Overall I'm also very happy with the product but have two complaints.

Although the instructions are very easy to read I was bothered by the fact that the instructions left out where the long and short screws go. I'm not saying it wasn't a breeze to put together but I had to remove the four long screws from the top of the desk when I realised they should have been used for the legs.

I also think the clip that holds the paper onto the whiteboard could be a little stronger. I don't know if it's just the one I have and it won't be a problem when my son is older. But right now he's a very energetic artist and he tends to pull the paper out of the clip when he's drawing.

Other than that my son absolutely loves it and I think it will be great for him for a very long time.

Buy Step2 Flip and Doodle Easel Desk with Stool Now

Don't get me wrong it is adorable, sturdy, and even I didn't have much of a problem putting it together.

The problem is that it really is for more of the 4+ age range.At the age of 2 my daughter was scared to sit on the stool because she would tip it over or slide off.And at least 3 small children have been smacked over the head by the 'flip table'.

My biggest issue with the age range is the storage.It is great, there is a LOT of storage, and I can't wait to use it.But if you have little kids (again, under 4ish) there is no way you can leave stuff in this desk.Markers? Scissors? Pens? All 2 feet off the ground for little hands to get whenever? No way. =D

Just something I thought people may want to keep in mind when looking at little desks!

Read Best Reviews of Step2 Flip and Doodle Easel Desk with Stool Here

My 2 year old son loves this desk. He pulls up the little stool and colors on the desk or flips up the easel and places his magnets all over. The desk is great and I would recommend it for all toddlers.

Want Step2 Flip and Doodle Easel Desk with Stool Discount?

Bought this for my 19-month old daughter, so she could learn to doodle on there instead of everywhere the fact that the doodling board is also magnetic, so I can put those fridge magnetic alphabet letters on there to teach her as well.

Love all those storage bins, they definitely help keep things organized.

One small complaint...would like it better if the book shelf is on the sides instead of the back (why leave the sides empty?). I have it against a wall, so with the shelf on the back makes it useless...unless we move the entire thing out each time she needs a her books end up in the larger bins at the bottom instead, which means one less storage item...

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