KidKraft Princess Toddler Bed

KidKraft Princess Toddler BedI ordered the adorable little bed that I saw online or so I thought. First off it came in a medium sized box and when I opened it at least hundreds of bolts nuts and screws lucky mom I was, I got to put it together.

When I got it together I realized it wasn't the same bed as the one on the box. The one on the box had different poles. Then I realized it wasn't even the color that is introduced online or on the box. Pretty pink u think or not, it was a light purplish color. Best yet, it states that a crib mattress will fit, there is a gap between the headboard and the mattress.My crib mattress is to small for it. I really wish I could have seen this item in a store before I wasted over $200.00 on this bed that looks like it's made for my dog. To top it all off it wasn't in stock when I ordered it and I was given the wrong date when it would be delivered. I later recieved a letter saying sorry for the delay I wouldn't get my order for another month which meant that I wouldn't get my daughters bed for her birthday which I had been told I would. Although I was unhappy for many reasons, I kept the bed because my daughter loved the thought of having her own "Princess bed". Before you order this bed do know that I looked in many stores for this bed and couldn't find anyone who sold it, so when you choose to order from this site who will tell you we don't have it but another company does and they will also tell you they lost your order please don't let your kids know they are getting a pretty pink princess bed.Instead tell them they might get a Purplish Princess bed that looks comfy in the picture but the dog would rather lay in it.

I love this bed and so does my daughter. It did take a little time to put together but overall it was easy and well worth is because it is undoubtably sturdy. It is made of solid wood and hand painted. I read a poor review on this and I have to disagree. Although the bed does differ slightly but only because there are not gold band around the middle of the poles.

This bed is very low to the floor, perfect for your little one's first big girl bed. I have purchased this bed and a train table from kidkraft and have been highly satisfied with their quality.

Buy KidKraft Princess Toddler Bed Now

I'm pretty good at putting things together. I can no longer count the amount of dressers, hutches, computers, beds, desks, chairs, etc I've put together from everywhere like IKEA to Staples. But this bed was the most frustrating thing I've ever turned a screw to. The holes are put into places that you cannot see both sides of. The holes do not line up that great and when you finally get the screw to even touch the nut it will not tighten right. I'm not even half way done right now and I've been at it for an hour and a half. The people who designed this should be drug out in front of their business and flogged while they are trying to put it together with the the pinky finger sized wrench's they give you to do it with. I guarantee you they will die of exhaustion before the can get it complete.

Amazon is setting a poor example of product control by letting this company sell this bed on their website. And I generally have the highest regards for Jeff Zebos and Amazon. Jeff please help!!!

Read Best Reviews of KidKraft Princess Toddler Bed Here

We bought this bed for our daughter when she was turning 2 as her first big girl bed. She loves it, but she is now only 3 and quickly outgrowing it. If I had to go back, I wouldn't have bought it. She can barely move around in it now. While I like how it's low to the ground, I just don't think it's worth how small it has become, so quickly.

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This was the perfect choice for my daughters "princess room"... the icing on the cake. I found the bed to be quite simple to put together, and very sturdy. My daughter is quite long for her age, more like the height of a three year old, yet she still has room to grow in this bed. So it's perfect size for a toddler. FYI: The bed is more a lavander-pink than a light pink... but still pink. I highly recommend.


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