POOF-Slinky 35000 Ideal Electro Shot Shooting Gallery Tabletop Game

POOF-Slinky 35000 Ideal Electro Shot Shooting Gallery Tabletop GameAs a kid, I had the Marx Electro-Shot Shooting Gallery and it was one of my all-time favorite toys.I decided to recreate the magic with my six year old boy this Christmas and get a Shooting Gallery for him.This product, the Electro Shot Shooting Gallery, was the only one I could find that was similar, so "Santa" brought him one this Christmas.

After assembling the toy and adding 4 "C" batteries, my boy and I got ready to play.We turned the "gun" on, and nothing.Right out of the box, it didnt' work.Having nothing to lose, I took it apart and found that one of the two metal strips that's supposed to connect the battery compartment to the gun compartment was misassembled and pinned beneath a piece of the plastic frame.Ergo, no power to the gun.A minute later, I'd repaired the piece and we turned the gun on.

The gun worked fine for about 10 seconds, and then jammed.I recall my old electro-shot jamming occasionally, so I followed the instructions to clear the jam.It worked fine again for about 20 seconds, and then jammed again.Although the gun is capable of working for a minute or so without jamming, it jams a lot more than my old toy did.It doesn't matter whether you're firing single shots or have it set to full automatic, it jams fairly often.Fast forward a day.The gun seemingly won't turn-on again.I jiggle around and find that the gun will only work if you hold it in a certain angle ... otherwise no power.I take it apart apart again, but I can't seem to make it work any better, even after closely examining all of the electrical strips.I'm not impressed at all with the build quality of this toy and I doubt it will last a month before it breaks completely.

The targets are ok, but are not as interesting as on the old Marx Electro Shot.There aren't as many "wow" targets ... a few spinners and the like, a few holes to shoot into that so the bb's drop down onto another item, and a wind-up duck shooting gallery (the best target in the toy).

Overall, the toy is a moderate amount of fun when it works.However, it only works haphazardly, and the fact that I've already had to take it apart twice in three days doesn't speak well for the future.Two stars.

UPDATE:Well, it's dead Jim. It lasted less than a week before the gun refused to fire anymore.I changed out the batteries (the old ones still tested out at about 70 percent power, but I changed them anyway), examined everything I could, but nothing would entice the toy to work again.I guess you really can't go home again.I'm downgrading my rating to one very disappointed star.

I had one of these 40 years ago, it was a blast to play with then, and it is now as well. We got it for christmas in 09, and it's still going strong. Hasn't missed a beat.

Buy POOF-Slinky 35000 Ideal Electro Shot Shooting Gallery Tabletop Game Now

Got this for the kids for Christmas, but I was more excited than them.Put it together, put in batteries, and....nothing.Gun didn't work at all.Between losing packaging and the kids not being at all heartbroken, decided against going through the torture of the return process.

Read Best Reviews of POOF-Slinky 35000 Ideal Electro Shot Shooting Gallery Tabletop Game Here

Got it for my son for Christmas. He was excited to get it after me telling him for years about my favorite toy as a child, The ( Marx Shooting Gallery) Smaller version of classic shooting gallery. Gun works very well . Rotating ducks don't work well at all, broke one off while shooting at it. Doesn't rotate properly. Was a lot of fun , but targets need to be made better. Still happy I got to relive old times and my son saw a little peace of my old history .......through this toy.

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We gave this to our 8 year old grandson.He thought it was great.Shortly after he started using it the bebe's stopped coming out.We thought maybe the batteries we had put into were bad.So put new batteries into the toy.It still would not work.I guess a bebe was stuck or something in the gun and would not let it work.

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