Mercs Minis: CCC Starter Kit

Mercs Minis: CCC Starter KitIf you are shopping for a MERCS starter pack, this is the one of 8 factions you may choose. I don't believe there will be much difference between factions from a quality standpoint. The miniatures are decently manufactured and highly detailed where you need to have them detailed. Less attention was paid to clean fits and there is a loss in detail in some areas where a talented artist will have to be creative as to not have these areas stand out. Packaging is attractive, but could be better planned for interior packaging of the minis, dice, cards, and ref sheets. The minis are white metal and there are few mold lines, only a few options for different heads (with helmet and without). Which is okay because these are specific characters and not just line-troops for larger scale games. I like that the starter pack has just about everything you need to get up and running. A nice bonus is a few 2d terrain cards come with each different faction if you decide to play in a 2d environment. Another opportunity missed would be to have a spare card that can be used for movement template instead of using the individual character cards. The game relies on a mechanic that uses the character's card for a quasi-universal template for movement, range, area-effects etc. Sort of nice as you only need one type of template, but the cards just aren't going to hold up under playing conditions. There is an acrylic template that can be purchased separately, but it has been sold-out and unknown if they will be making more or migrating the rules to better accommodate a more traditional movement system. So, if you are getting into MERCS, pick up a starter pack...its economical and will get your into the game (which is where we all want to be right?)... GAME ON!


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