The wheel is sturdy and well made. Since it can be dissembled and put back into its own card board box, it takes up very little space. It came with templates for the slots so that I can just print them in different color copier paper to make it colorful and more interesting. Since I can use the prize wheel in many different occasions, I think the price is okay.
I used the prize wheel last summer as a reward for kids' reading. I put in different prizes in each slot and the kids tried their luck spinning the wheel to get something ranged from gift card to a pencil. It is a great hit and kids are just crazy about it. I also put in different riddles in the slots for kids to solve in another program. It is another great success. Some more ideas: use the prize wheel as a color wheel or as a fund raising opportunity. With a little imagination, the kind of activities that you can make use of the prize wheel is endless.
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