I was initially skeptical about plastic Warmachine models, but I believe that I'm on board now. So far, this is the only plastic kit that I've purchased. I like the modularity of these kits, since you can assemble one of three standard warjacks. At first glance, I was a little disappointed that the cost for a single warjack jumped up to a $35 MSRP from around $20-25. That aside, with a kit, you could actually make the model modular,using small magnets in the arm sockets. Additionally, Cygnar and Khador players could actually purchase Privateer Press' Grind boardgame to utilize their extra parts to build other standard warjacks from the spare parts; the Grind warjacks are on the same scale (at least, the Cygnar ones are; haven't tested the Khador ones). The new sculpts are nice. I also really like the look of the Cyclone warjack.
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