LEGO Duplo My First Set (5416)

LEGO Duplo My First SetI am shocked at the reviews for this product.Nearly every review mentions the fact that the product is "over-priced for the number of blocks you get" or "you may want to skip this product and buy the deluxe duplo set".I totally agree!

This was definitely the most disappointing toy under the tree this year.Our little guy was graduating from Mega-Blocks to Legos and we put this on his wish list.Based on the nearly "5-star" reviews we chose this "first set".But 30 blocks doesn't build much folks.That is nearly $1.00 per block if you exclude the bucket they come in.

We are VERY disappointed in the value of this toy.Before you believe the other "5-Star" reviews, read them carefully.Nearly every one of them states "few blocks for the money" and/or "looking to get more blocks".I am not sure why they gave it "5-stars" if they thought the toy was insufficient for the price or play value.

If you need an expensive bucket to hold Lego's, then this product may be just what you need.


My son received this Lego Duplo set for his first birthday and he plays with it everyday!At first he just liked to knock down whatever I created with the blocks, but now at 15 months he can build too!The blocks are very colorful and sturdy.But this set is fairly small.We are purchasing the Deluxe set for Christmas to expand our building optionsI might suggest starting with the bigger set and skipping this one!

A small complaint is that the lid is too hard for my son to open on his own, so we don't usually close it tight.Although, this could be a good feature if you needed to be sure the lid stayed on during travel or other circumstances.

Buy LEGO Duplo My First Set (5416) Now

If I'd paid $26 for this small set of Legos, as some reviewers have, I would feel so ripped off. But I paid less than half that, noted the amount of pieces in the box, decided to purchase two boxes at the same time rather than one. There's totally not enough pieces in one box (and there's barely enough in two). After all, I grew up with Legos and remember how lame they can be if you don't have enough pieces. Really, a truly fine Lego Duplo Set needs in excess of 200 pieces, in my opinion. However, I didn't want to just run out and spend 80-something dollars on a huge set only to find that my kids cared nothing for Legos.

Each box in 'My First Set' contains a pretty fun mix of pieces of 33 pieces; a window, a doorway, one of each color of the 'double' length (eight dot) pieces, two of each color of the 'single' length (four dot) pieces. Two pieces with eyes, a couple novel pieces (that can be used to make a bird), a red and blue flower, and one gray cat. Since my days of Legos where the pieces only came in red, blue, green and yellow, three new standard colors have been added; orange, light blue, and spring green. It makes a huge difference aesthetically.

These pieces, while nice, are just not enough. I emphasize the need to buy two sets, which is about what you'd pay for the 71-piece set anyway. Double the pieces, and you actually have enough to make small building facades or a really cool robot, or various small animals. My 4-year old is able to make more complex objects. The 2 year old just likes to put the pieces together and pull them apart in random order and say 'I building!' They both love the cat that comes with it too. Both children seem enthusiastic enough about these two small sets, and are entertained for about 30 minutes at a time before erupting into a huge fight over the pieces. We'll definitely be getting more down the road.

I think two of these sets, bought at a reasonable price, are a fine introduction to the world of Legos for a young child. Maybe somewhat less so for two small children :) 66 pieces is a reasonable amount to start with, but I'd shop around for a fair price it is out there. I would highly recommend this to other parents introducing Legos to their young toddlers and preschoolers.

By the way, this particular set of Legos was made in Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, & Mexico. Of note is the fact that it was not made in China which I think is a big point in its favor.

Read Best Reviews of LEGO Duplo My First Set (5416) Here

We have several sets of these Duplos and they are still loved and played with by kids even when they get older.To be honest, they're wonderful to build huge towers with them, and the older kids also add the smaller legos for bridges, roads, etc.They're just great fun, will last a lifetime and the price here is great on them too.They're still loved in this house highly recommend!

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We got this "My First Lego Duplo" set in December 2008 for our twins because our older son loved his starter box of Lego Duplos when he was the same age (about a year and a half old).

In 2004, it cost about fyfteen bucks on sale (normally twenty) for a starter box/chest that contained 140 blocks. I have searched high and low, and that same plastic chest with 140 blocks is nowhere to be found.

Instead we got the current version of the starter Duplo box. The blocks themselves are great -the few of them that there are. This rectangular bucket, which is just slightly smaller than the earlier chest, contains just 33 blocks, which don't build very many things and nothing big.

That's a small fraction of the quantity for the same price.

Later I found that the closest thing to our old 140 block chest is the bulk set of 144 blocks without a storage chest for around f0rty bux via online or mail order. DUPLO Bulk Set

So although our children like the Duplos (even my older son still uses them more than four years later) and they never break or wear out, boo to Lego for its stinginess to kids.


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