Monkey Multiplier

Monkey MultiplierWorks fairly well but with all charts or games that supply the answer for you, there could be little learning going on UNLESS the child uses it to check answers.One other use of the multiplier is to select a product and then try to guess the factors before looking at where the feet are pointing to.I bought this product because I LOVED the monkey math balance toy.That one is great for figuring out missing addends.It also visually reinforces the idea that both sides of an equation MUST be balanced (equal).As you might be able to discern, I'm an elementary school teacher.I have used Monkey Math successfully with K-2 grades.I bought the multiplier simply for the fun value.The reason I only gave it 2 stars for durability is that the product answer can be off by a fraction but easily adjusted.However, with a classful of students playing with it, which I have not done yet, I am wondering if it would hold up.

I have grand kids from 9 18 months. The older ones love it and the younger ones love to play with the monkey. Soon they will be multiplying too!

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I work with several students who still have trouble with multiplication.Some of them are allowed to use calculators or multiplication tables.This product is an incentive multiplication table for my students only the best behaved get to use the monkey.

Read Best Reviews of Monkey Multiplier Here

I bought this for my 2nd grader because it was a package deal when buying Monkey Math which I bought for my preschooler.When it is out, she plays with it and practices her "times tables".

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