V-TECH SIT TO STAND PINK ACTIVITY WALKERThis toy is so UNsafe I don't even know where to begin...

When you have this toy in the STAND/Locked position it is the most unstable toy ever.

*If they are sitting and pull themselves up by grabbing on the purple handle, sometimes they will be successful and be standing and other times they will pull the whole thing right into their head/face.

*If they are standing, if they loose their balance at all this provides NO stability for them to correct themselves "and down will fall baby, Vtech Walker and all"

*If they are standing and holding onto this if they pull back for whatever reason they will fall straight back onto their head(like when a tree falls) and sometimes they will let go of the walker as they are falling but other times they will still be holding onto the walker as they fall and hit their head and then get a double whammy when this toy comes falling into them as well.

*The bottom back bar is quite inviting for little ones to stand on while they hold onto the top and this thing will fall quicker than you can blink an eye.

When you have this toy in the STAND/WALK position:

*If they are just standing there and lean forward or back in the slightest, this thing is going to roll so fast out from under your little one and they are going down again.

*If they put any weight into this thing at all this thing flies out from under them.

When you have this toy in the SIT position:

*The toy is not quite as unstable in this mode but if your little one is trying to pull themselves up at all...you guessed it, this thing will very often tip right over, either your little one will fall on top of this or it will fall on them or it will start to tip and your little one falls and hits their head on the way down.

When you have just the toy(not on the stand) I guess it is safe enough but then again if this is on the floor and they put weight onto it this is going to slide and it is hard plastic and they can hit their heads on it.

All of these are from personal experience with my twins & my best friends daughter. All 3 girls can pull themselves up very well & adult supervision was always right there. I only ever let my girls play with this if I am sitting right behind them so I can catch them but I usually have this toy put up because I don't like my daughters crying when they get hurt using this toy.

I recommend getting one of the learning tables, my girls have one and they love it, it is very stable. And look into another walker that is a heavier base and wont tip so easily. Read the reviews on the original one of these, I think it was a yellow color...most reviews say UNSTABLE.

We saw this at a local toy store while browsing and bought this on a whim because my 11 month old seemed to like pushing the buttons. After assembling this walker, I realized how unstable and potentially dangerous this can be. As you can see from the video, my daughter is able to pull herself up to standing but is still learning how to walk while holding onto objects. I have this leaning against our couch so that it doesn't tip over but you can see how easily the walker moves against her weight. With the locks on, the wheels don't move at all but if a child continues to push against it, the walker will tip over. Without the locks, this goes way too fast, even on a rug. Read the reviews for this toy in the nongender specific color and you'll also see many complaints about this being unstable. The only way I can see this walker being appropriate is for a child who is able to stand independently without holding on and is able to take a few steps on their own. We took this back to the local toy store.


My daughter loves this toy.We just got this yesterday for her 1st birthday.I hate that she loves this toy, because I am hoping to get the gift receipt to take it back.The "Mom of twins" review from September 14, 2009 giving it one star is accurate.We were right there supervising, watching her pull herself up to this toy in the standing/locked position, and she fell, and it fell on her.When we stood her to the toy, she liked playing with it just fine, but she's still unstable on her feet and tried to fall forward (my husband caught her).We watched the toy try to fall forward with her.She either would have fallen on top of it, or fallen to the side with it crashing on top of her.This is NOT A SAFE TOY.

I do not like Amazon's new star system of ranking.My daughter loved it so I have to give "fun" 5 stars.It seemed educational for her level, so I have to give that at least 4 stars.Discounting stability, it seems like it's otherwise quite durable.But I can't discount stability, so it gets 3 stars.But I cannot in good conscience recommend this toy, so it overall gets 1 star.


This toy should be recalled!It is cheap and not steady at all.It falls all the time. First time my baby tried to pull herself up on the toy the whole thing (and my baby) fell sideways and she hit her head so hard! It is not safe for an unsteady walker (which is the point of a buying a walker) And now that my baby is a more confident walker it still topples easily.Very cheap and unsafe!


My daughter LOVES this toy. I think all of the problems from the previous review were caused by purchasing this toy too early. The key here is supervision. My daughter is 9 months and about to walk on her own, but I still don't let her walk with this toy by herself; I hold onto the bar and walk along with her to keep her from going too fast. When your child is learning how to pull up/stand/walk you don't just let them go free range alone. Use some common sense and you will love this toy. And it was half the price at TRU.


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