Frantic Fall

Frantic FallWe got something that looks exactly the same as this (same colors and everything... I'm sure it's from the same factory) but ours was $10.99 at Toys R Us. It's a skill game that can be fun for patient adults, but is definitely not for young kids. I think it would just frustrate them. Also, the wind-up mechanism is very loud (like an old-time egg timer's rapid ticking) and agonizingly slow to release the balls, you sit there waiting for quite a while between ball drops. My husband being an engineer, he was thinking of all kinds of ways we could improve it, like maybe removing the wind-up mechanism and just twisting the knob at the top to release the balls, but eventually we just decided to return it. We got it as a young kids' party activity (as part of a mini-carnival type lineup) and it just wouldn't work well for kids.

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