Fisher-Price Mickey's Surprise Clubhouse

Fisher-Price Mickey's Surprise ClubhouseI want to review what it doesn't do that it should."Place any of the figures on the Clubhouse pedestals to hear them say Role Call.They also say silly phrases depending on where they are placed."Mickey and Minnie only go on their own specific pedastals.Pluto or any other figures you buy can only go on the third one.I didn't buy any others, but the 3 included never said 'Roll Call.'"Turn the crazy crank on the back to watch them move up and down and sing the Hot Dog song."There is no crank, just a lever on the front.It does play a part of the Hot Dog song, but you have to keep moving the lever back and forth to make them move up and down; it's not automatic."This crank also moves the hot air balloon back and forth."Again, no crank, but the hot air balloon doesn't move anyway.It just attaches and hangs there."Flip open the Clubhouse top to reveal the lookout telescope, or place a character on top of the Clubhouse and pull a lever to eject them down the silly slide. Press the umbrella to launch the red car out of the garage..."None of this is included, though there is a car.

If it actually did what it said, it'd be awesome.It sounds like they just cheaped out on it in the end.Oh, and none of the pieces snap or hook into place either, meaning it separates very easily.The original clubhouse is way better and less expensive.It's not made by the same company either (which is odd, since Fisher-Price made this one).

I researched this clubhouse and the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse that came before this one.Comparing the two, this one has definitely made some improvements: more durable and comes with three figurines instead of just one, more things to do...the best part however, is the fact that it plays the "Hot Dog Song."That is what my 2 and a half year old loves the most about the toy.

My biggest complaint is that the manufacturer's description from amazon is WRONG!There is not a slide and the mousekadoer does not light up and flash.You do not press an umbrella for a car to shoot out.The manufacturer's description on the box does not say that either so Amazon needs to fix their description.

Another thing I wish is that it came with Toodles like the old clubhouse and that the Mousekadoer would light up like the old clubhouse.That would be the best of both worlds (no pun intended).Otherwise, it seems to be an improvement off of the old clubhouse.

Buy Fisher-Price Mickey's Surprise Clubhouse Now

First off, this toy comes with Mickey, Pluto, and Minnie.If you would like to purchase more of the figures at a very reasonable price ($5 each) go to the fisher price website and type in mickey mouse clubhouse in the search area.Don't buy them on here for $10-20 each when you can get them there cheaper.Another option is to get all of the figures and the clubhouse through toys-r-us website for $60.Anyhow, the only real problen is the house doesn't lock together so yes if your child is a hellion it will "pop" apart.Both of my kids, ages 2 and 5, LOVE this toy and are HUGE fans of the show.They both spend hours playing with this toy.So the bottom line is, if your kids got ears and say cheers buy this for them and you will not regret it.Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggidy dog!

Read Best Reviews of Fisher-Price Mickey's Surprise Clubhouse Here

My son just got this toy for his 2nd birthday. Both he and my olderson love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and were very excited about the toy. I find it to be very dissapointing. My biggest issue is that the pieces do not actually snap into place. They basically just rest in place and then the second anyone goes to move it, it falls apart. Not sure why they couldn't just make the pieces snap in. It also has a garage on the side that doesn't snap into place either. DEFINITELY not worth the 50 bucks in my opinion. Seems like it might be worth maybe $10-$15.

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The pieces on either side just sort of balance in place.Just holding it in your hands it feels cheap.I drilled a few tiny holes and used color matching zip ties to hold the pieces onto the sides, but that shouldn't be necessary.Even with that done, and it staying together you'll get possibly 5 minutes of entertainment out of the thing.It was really a let down!Sell the kid on something else if they are stuck on it!At least try!


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