Lumps, the Elf Coal Game (2nd Edition)

Lumps, the Elf Coal GameShe loved this gift. That's all want to say but now that I am forced to write more I kind of never want to write are view again

This really is very small and a little expensive for what it is.But that said, not a bad little stocking stuffer.

Buy Lumps, the Elf Coal Game (2nd Edition) Now

this game is similar to yahtzee, but with a little more's a lot of fun for the entire family, young and old -teaching the kids math skills and keeping us older folks working our brains.

Read Best Reviews of Lumps, the Elf Coal Game (2nd Edition) Here

This toy is very small (my fault for not reading the dimensions).That's not what bothers me though, it arrived and was very dirty (covered in dust), the white part of the stocking was pink, and it looks poorly made.

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