Mega Bloks Build 'n Learn 1-2-3 Count

Mega Bloks Build 'n Learn 1-2-3 Countproblem is that some blocks do not hold to each other tight enough, just loose. so i do not like that. otherwise it is ok.

The product consists of a bunch of stickers that are not sufficient for the number of blocks; this should have been stated I'm the product description.

Buy Mega Bloks Build 'n Learn 1-2-3 Count Now

This mega block set made my son's day! He is learning to count while playing, he doesn't even realize the benefit of the numbers being there. I highly recommend this for all young children!

Read Best Reviews of Mega Bloks Build 'n Learn 1-2-3 Count Here

It is a bag of mega bloks. Nothing less, nothing more. It is my 3 year old son's first "legos" and he hasn't played with them at all. 30 pieces looks like less than it is. I should have gotten a larger package, but that isn't the manufacturer's fault.

Want Mega Bloks Build 'n Learn 1-2-3 Count Discount?

My daughter loves the blocks.It is one of the few things that can keep her occupied at 17 months.Perfect gift for a toddler.


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