Gund Christmas Jeepers Peepers Elf 9" Plush

Gund Christmas Jeepers Peepers Elf 9' PlushDidn't expect it to be so big, is darling.Bought it for dining table but it was large so was put on a coffee table, where it sat very nicely as a decoration.

I was looking for elf-on-a-shelf but didn't like the story behind it, nor did I like the look of the elf itself. This one I knew my kids wouldn't be able to resist. It's adorable and so very cuddly. I made up my own story and on Dec. 1 'Jeepers' arrived in a basket on our doorstep. The kids couldn't bear the thought of him leaving after Christmas, so Jeepers has become a part of our family. I think he'll go back to the North Pole next Thanksgiving to check in with Santa and then return again on Dec. 1 -to keep up the excitement. Adorable elf!!

Buy Gund Christmas Jeepers Peepers Elf 9" Plush Now

I love this elf!It is super cute!! I am using the elf for christmas decorating! Worth the price very well made!

Read Best Reviews of Gund Christmas Jeepers Peepers Elf 9" Plush Here

Chicco Activity Baby Walker

Chicco Activity Baby WalkerI bought this walker online because it was a very popular item. And though it's nice, I wish I had looked at other ones.

The Pros:

1. The activity center on the front was very entertaining for my daughter. Prior to walking, she really enjoyed playing with the front of the walker. Now that she is more comfortable using the walker to walk, it's not as interesting.

2. It's got cheerful music and sound effects that reward play and use of the walker. My daughter is 11 months old, and is starting to walk. The use of this walker has aided her in learning to do so.

3. Assembly is VERY easy. I mean, we're talking idiot-proof.

The Cons:

1. It tips over very easily! If something gets caught under the front, the walker tips over. Sometimes it tips over just because my daughter gets a bit rambunctious using it! She is petite for her age, so her size is not a factor.

2. There are brakes on the back wheels that are useless. They add a slight bit of resistance on the carpet, but otherwise, the walker still goes forward. On hard floors, the brakes, if on, make the walker less stable.

3. Over-priced. There are plenty of other walkers that convert to ride-on toys for comparable costs or even less.

Overall, it's not a bad toy, and it does assist in helping a child learn to walk. However, because it tips forward so easily, I do not feel safe allowing my daughter to use it, unless I am RIGHT behind her. It's worth looking into other walkers, for the cost.

I just bought this walker after reviewing several others from LeapFrog, redflyer, haba, etc.I think this one is perfect for those that start pulling themselves up to standing, furniture side walking, etc.

Pros I noticed thus far:

1) SUPER easy to assemble, no small parts, it only requires 2 AA batteries.

2) Feels very STURDY and my 9 mos old has not been able to flip it despite all his tricks.

3) the BREAK feature is a good thought, yet it will still move but with added resistance.Still better than some others without this feature that will zoom through the floor and guarantee a scary fall for a young baby.

4) the activities in front are thus far entertaining to my 9 mos old.

overall I feel it was a good buy.

Buy Chicco Activity Baby Walker Now

I almost didn't purchase this item based on the reviews.I would have been sad!

I deliberated a long time over which walker to get for my daughter.I have other Chicco products and do like them a lot.So many of the reviews mention things like tipping, etc.To be honest, I don't think there is a product out there that can save our kids from themselves (a rubber room?!).Of course a baby will find a way to tip something over or fall and bump their heads...but that's why parental involvement is always necessary.Who lets their very young baby out of their sight for more than a second or two?

Our daughter loves this toy.She actually laughs and smiles when she sees it and immediately crawls to it to start walking or playing with the front.The music is silly and cute, but I'm glad it can be turned off and has two volume settings.The shape sorter on the front and ball chute (which makes noise) are the perfect size for baby (our daughter is 9 months old).

While it is lightweight and not perfectly designed (I've rarely found anything that is), your child should only need to use this toy for a few months at the most before they outgrow it or learn how to walk on their own.

I do think it is a bit overpriced for what it is mostly because it does have such a short lifespan (not that it will wear out, just that baby won't need it for too long).

I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who has hardwood floors.When our pediatrician mentioned getting a walker, she asked if we had carpets or hard floors.She said carpet is better for all of these types of toys.Not only because the toys function better (don't move as fast), but safer for the babies in general (not as many bumps and bruises when learning how to walk).

Read Best Reviews of Chicco Activity Baby Walker Here

This walker is the best! My daughter has Down Syndrome and her therapist said for the money, this was the best one. And, it really was the best for her. I am writing this review waaaaay after I bought it, but she started walking so fast after this one. The position of the legs on the walker give the most support for a baby's hips. I would more than recommend this walker; 2 years later, she still loved it and it still worked perfectly.

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I bought the Chicco activity walker after being disappointed with the Fisher Price walker to wagon. The Chicco walker is great! My 12 month old has used it for a month, and she can pull herself up and walk with it by herself without it tipping over or going too fast. The design is sturdy, and there is plenty of room for her feet. She loves the toys on the front and sides, and the music is cheerful and not too loud.


CarcassonneMost people come to this game after they have already been introduced to the European Designer Games by Settlers of Catan. This is a different kind of game than Settlers but in some senses it shares a lot of commonalities.

The game is easy to learn for a wide audience, it is reasonably quick to play (30 40 minutes) and is a very "immersive" game i.e. there aren't long periods of boredom. There are elements of strategy and luck, which makes for a "fun" game experience.

This game is fun for children and adults. For children the "farmers" are a little too complex, but the game works very well without that element.

The game consists of laying tiles to build cities, roads and monasteries in the South of France. Points are gained by creating long roads, building large cities or farming multiple farms. It draws elements of building jigsaw puzzles together with a strategy game of competing for territory.

I have played this game with family members who aren't really into board games and they enjoyed it just as much as gamers.

There are many expansions to this game which add a few more dimensions as you get more advanced. There is a very high replay-ability.

I would high recommend this game to people who are bored with standard Monopoly or Cranium type board games that are popular in the US.

If you loved Settler's of Catan this a "must"!



o 2 5 Players

o 30 40 minutes Playing time

Audience -

o Children & Adults

o Serious and Casual Gamers


o Tile Laying

o Combines Strategy & Luck


o High Replay-ability

o Quality Components

Okay, so the game has been around for awhile, I was just looking in the wrong places.I don't remember how I was led to this game, I was looking at a game site on the Web and they said how this game is consistently rated #1.So I clicked on it, and in a carefree mood I purchased it. I LOVE IT.Even my husband who usually rolls his eyes whena game is pulled out , has said he enjoys this game.We often play it with a 9 and 11 year old, and they are easily able to grasp the concepts, although their strategies could use some work.

What is so nice about this game is that there are no dice, no money to count and no constantly moving a piece around a board.Instead each player on his turn picks a cardboard tile(nice thick quality) and places it on the table, which acts as your board.You basically create your own puzzle each game, so it is never the same.Rivers match up to rivers, or city to city, road to road.You have to decide the best place to put the piece you just picked.

Sometimes the games are lopsided, with one person building a huge city and getting tons of points, but that is often due to the other players error and not a game fault.We have only been playing it 2 weeks, but so far I have learned/figured out something new after each game to help with future strategies.It's a quick game, and high quality.I have been so impressed with this one, that I have already purchased some expansions andRio Grandes new game of Ark of the Covenant and Hunters and Gatherers, both using the same concept of Carcassonne but with variations.

This game definitely beats out the common store favorites of Clue, Monopoly, Life, Stratego and blah blah blah.There is a reason why it has been a #1 game, try it out!

Buy Carcassonne Now

This is a tile-placement game.Square tiles have roads, monasteries, cities and farmland printed on them.Each player in turn reveals a tile and places it such that all edges match edges already placed.For instance, a road has to connect to a road, it can not just stop.Once a player places a tile, they can claim part of the tile (road, farmland, city, or monastery).As these features grow the player gets more points.Monasteries do not grow, points are gained by filling in the nine surrounding spaces.

The skill comes from knowing just what to claim.Each player has a limited number of claim tokens.Once a feature is completed (road, city or monastery), the points are collected and the claim token becomes available for use again.Players must balance their use of the tokens and work to complete features so they can claim even more.One trick is to complete a short road or small city (just two tiles, sometimes three) and then claim it, thus getting the points and getting the claim token back immediately.

This is a quick game.Playing time is relatively short (thirty minutes or so) and play is easy.No two games are ever the same thus keeping the game fresh.A fun game for two to six players.The game is reasonably small and easy to transport.Pieces are cardboard tiles and wooden claim tokens.If you are looking for a fun game that doesn't take hours, then this one might be for you.

Read Best Reviews of Carcassonne Here

I bought this for the family to play and I (Dad) love to play it on a lazy/quiet day.It is not much fun for parties.My wife thinks it is tedious but she does not care for strategy games in general (she prefers Uno).My nine year old daughter plays it with me and she enjoys it.My daughter (as other parents have mentioned about their children) does not do farmers for two reasons:farmers are just complicated enough that she avoids the concept plus she is very sensitive about not running out of followers and very much understands that farmers once placed are not recoverable until the game ends.For this reason I tend to outscore her handily (fortunately for me she understands that the farmer issue is why I always win but she loves to play strategy games with Daddy and she is closing the scoring gap over time).

This game is not a "hoot" nor is it quickly paced.It is more of a moderate intensity strategy game.It is not however an overly complicated game that is hard or boringly slow to play.It is both easy enough that truly anyone could play (and enjoy) it yet engaging enough that serious thinkers can have fun with it.

This game does take up an entire dinette table to play and is not suitable for playing in the car for example.We put it in our RV and play it whenever we are camping.It is perfect for that.

Want Carcassonne Discount?

When I first read the description of Carcassonne, I dismissed it as something that I wouldn't really enjoy (I've never really liked how luck is the dominant element of tile-laying games).But there were so many fantastic reviews that mentioned how `strategic' it was, we decided to dig into our game fund and buy it!It was an instant hit with family and friends including my wife and daughter, who are not avid game players.

I won't waste time explaining the rules or details of gameplay, but I will say that learning the game is very easy.The game plays in about a half hour (a bit more with expansions), which is great because people can come and go as they please no long term commitments here.Even adding `The River' (included in the basic game edition that we bought) and the `Inns and Cathedrals' expansion rules isn't a burden.The only area that can be a bit confusing is scoring for farmlands.We did it incorrectly the first night, but as I was re-reading the rules to clarify it, it became clear on how they should be scored.

The mechanics of gameplay can be tinkered with to produce variations that you may like.For instance, we don't use the standard rules for placing the river tiles at the beginning of the game.We shuffle all 12 tiles, picking and laying tiles to build the river only until the two ends (the spring and the lake) have been placed.This way, the length of the river (2 to 12 tiles) varies from one game to the next.

The tile laying aspect of this game is, of course, mostly luck.There's no strategy that can give you the tile you need you'll either be lucky or not.On one game, my son and I were both waiting to finish cities near the end of the game, needing identical pieces.He drew the tile and scored, I ended up with a zero for that city and lost the game.Had I drawn the tile, I'd have won.Of course, the more players you have, the less chance you have of getting that tile that you really need.

Placing tiles carefully is the key to strategizing.Should you build a bunch of small cities, or a lesser amount of large ones?Should you finish that road or try to build it as long as possible?Should you expand your own farms, roads, and cities, or `steal' points from another player?There is no one strategy that is fail-safe (at least none that I've found).

Strategy comes in not only in where the tiles are places, but also in the placement of your followers (`meeples') to score points for roads (as thieves), farms (farmers), cloisters (monks) and cities (knights).Since you have only a small amount of meeples, so managing them wisely is of the utmost importance..

When it's all put together, these elements combine to make a fun and unpredictable game that is different every time you play it.

We purchased the "Inns and Cathedrals" expansion, in which Inns can double the value of roads and Cathedrals score you additional points in cities.But if those cities and roads remain unfinished at the end of the game, the whole city (or road) is worthless!This set also comes with a large follower (worth 2 regular followers) for each color, a complete set of followers for a sixth color (gray), and `50/100' tiles to make keeping score easier.

There are several other expansions for Carcassone, each adding a twist here or there, as well as increasing the number of tiles.We hope to add some of those to our collection over time, but we don't really find the game lacking anything the way it is, either.While these expansions aren't necessary to enjoy the game, the additional tiles, rules, and strategies really modify the game up nicely.There is also a `big box' available which includes the base game plus five expansions.

I recommend this game highly.While I can't say that it will replace game nights of taking out a large board game for a 2-3 hour showdown, this game stands on its' own merits, being a fine game for 2 to 5 players (six with the I & C expansion).But more importantly, it's the kind of game that can entice non-gamers into the fold, and every person that I have introduced the game to (both gamers and non-gamers alike) loves it.Carcassonne is proof that a game doesn't have to be massive or have highly technical rules to be challenging and fun.

Save 3% Off

Butterfly ITTF Approved 3-Star 40mm Table Tennis Balls (3-Pack)

Butterfly B3W340 ITTF Approved 3-Star 40mm Table Tennis BallsI am giving it a 4 star review just because of the higher price. Don't get me wrong thou, I will definitely buy these balls again, they are noticeable more stable than Stiga's 3 stars which are the other balls I play with.

Very high quality balls

Good bouncing ability. Lasts more than other balls Ive tried. What can I say more, its approved by ITTF.

Buy Butterfly ITTF Approved 3-Star 40mm Table Tennis Balls (3-Pack) Now

High quality table tennis balls. Very consistent bounce and approved by ITTF. I usually lost the ball before it wears out.

Read Best Reviews of Butterfly ITTF Approved 3-Star 40mm Table Tennis Balls (3-Pack) Here

It's really durable and the movement is straight and predictable.

You can hardly go wrong with any three star ITTF approved ball, but this one really lasts at least twice as long as any other similar ball we've tried.

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Gund Winky Lamb with Blankie-Pink

Gund Winky Lamb with Blankie-PinkOur purchase of this lamb was not the average purchase.I was looking for the "perfect" lamb to sit atop of my infant son's casket spray.This was the perfect lamb.It served its purpose beautifully.It is a keepsake I treasure.It is also a lamb I plan to purchase with much frequency, as I've started a pregnancy loss non-profit and will be giving this lamb to other families as a keepsake.

I was very happy to find this product for my 7th grandchild. All the other grandchildren have a different brand of a prayer lamb but that one is no longer in production I was very disappointed, but very happy to find this one by Gund.

Buy Gund Winky Lamb with Blankie-Pink Now

Lamb is super soft and snuggable.Prayer is sweet, but perhaps a bit loud for newborn or infants tender ears.Since it is not easily triggered, I didn't think it was too much of a hassle.

Read Best Reviews of Gund Winky Lamb with Blankie-Pink Here

Jakks Pacific PokeMon 11 Inch Tall Electronic Plush Action Figure - CHIMCHAR that Speaks

Jakks Pacific PokeMon 11 Inch Tall Electronic Plush Action Figure - CHIMCHAR that SpeaksA lot of these bigger, talking plush Pokemon are great. My daughter has 5 or 6 right now, and still plays with them nearly a year after she got them. Chimchar here happens to be one of her favorites. If your child loves Chimchar, this is probably the best plush form of him that you can get.

Chimchar is stuffed well, and not bloated in any areas like some of the mini plush (Buizel, I'm lookin' at you). The stitching and everything on him is great, and he's made of very durable material. His back opens and closes with velcro, which gives you access to the battery pack. When you press Chimchar's hand, he'll say his name, and if you press it again, he'll say it in a different way. The first time he sounds like he's asking a question, and the second time he sounds like he's stating a fact. "Chimchar? Chimchar." It's cute. And you gotta love how they did the flame on his caboose too.

There aren't any real problems with this toy. Chimchar can't stand up on his own because his head's so big, so he'll need to be leaned against something or propped up. Also use caution if he gets dirty, as these Pokemon need to be cleaned with a wet cloth and can't be washed. But be careful there toowhen Chimchar got a little dirty and I cleaned him up, some of the water must've gotten into the battery box or hit a wire or something because his talking feature didn't work for a few hours. But after a while it kicked back in, and all was well.

What else can I say? Chimchar fans will adore this. I'm kinda jealous and want one of my own now...

Miniature Vintage Look Sewing Machine with Moving Needle

Miniature Vintage Look Sewing Machine with Moving NeedleMy wife loved her new sewing machine miniature for Christmas!She has quite a collection and this addition made her very happy.It was packed well and arrived on time and looked like it's picture.

NASA Moon Globe

NASA Moon Globe
  • 12" Moon Globe
  • Includes Craters, Seas, Oceans & Mountain Ranges
  • Overall Height 14"
  • Includes Cradel Stand

I received my Replogle NASA Moon Globe on June 24 of 2010.By that evening I had noticed that the longitude lines on the northern hemisphere didn't line up with those on the southern hemisphere.Upon investigating this minor annoyance I discovered that the southern hemisphere was attached almost 180 degrees out of sync.The far side of the moon was under the near side.Because the globe had an indicator to show where areas visible from earth ended it should have been obvious to whoever put it together that the western limit of moon visibility in the northern hemisphere had no business being just above the eastern limit of moon visibility that was written on the southern hemisphere.This review is simply a warning to anyone buying the globe.Check it out!

Although I gave my moon a single star, I anticipate that the company will replace it with a correctly constructed globe.That globe will indeed be worth a five star rating.The globe is beautiful and for someone who is interested in lunar observing it will serve as a handy reference.(But probably not completely replacing the laminated Sky and Telescope Field Map of the Moon)

Buy NASA Moon Globe Now

I purchased this for use at astronomy outreach events for my astronomy club. The globe has been very helpful at showing people the features they see on the the Moon using our telescopes. It serves that role very well.

The globe seems solid and durable. The plastic stand makes it easy to demonstrate details around the globe. The globe includes very many craters, mountains, rilles and other details. There are labels for interesting locations such as the various manned and unmanned missions. It also shows the limits of the surface that is visible from Earth.

Why only 4 stars? Sometimes there are so many names that some features are obscured. Also, the dark shading of the lunar maria is not indicated on the map -the whole surface is the same shade of grey.

Overall, this is a very good product for our use.

Read Best Reviews of NASA Moon Globe Here

This is a deceptively nice globe. As it sets on the shelf at a distance it appears a monotone silvery gray-green unremarkable globe.

This is a free standing globe that sets on a clear plastic stand. Nice 12" size. Looks and feels like a quality globe.

This globe is meant to be picked up and held. Very detailed craters and seas/plains are marked and named. I had no idea so many famous names were used for objects on the moon. The more you look the more you see. East and west terminators are marked so you know when you've reached the "DARK SIDE" Luke.

This has become a favorite here at the house. This is not a flash in the pan gift and might be ignored at first but if picked up, it will spark the imagination. A gift that gets better over time.

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Unfortunately, the globe we received had the same map printed on both the Northern and Southern hemispheres. We expected a globe of the moon to have two distinct hemispheres, not the same one flipped and repeated.

Save 1% Off

Loved the moon globe...would make a wonderful gift to anyone intestered in studying the heavens...the moon phases in particular are so vivid with the globe...get out your telescope ( or not) and see what the heavens have to offer.Then check out the computer to see what NASA has to offer the student.NASA Moon GlobeLeave this on table top or desk for frequent checks!!

1st Birthday All-Star Paper Tablecover

1st Birthday All-Star Paper TablecoverIt's great if you buy all of the matching items to go with it. I bought this tablecover along with the matching napkins and plates and I was very happy with it.

Save 18% Off

HABA Sunshine Mobile

HABA Sunshine MobileSo, most importantly, our baby girl absolutely LOVES this thing.We hung it over her changing pad when she was about 5 weeks old, and over the last 2-3 months, this mobile has more than paid for itself in hours of "flower buddies" fun for her.

The best things about this mobile:

Bright, pretty colors which attract a baby's attention

Three of the flowers have little faces on them so when the baby looks up at the flowers, the faces smile down on her.It's just adorable.

Finally it's made by HABA, and I have yet to be disappointed with anything I've gotten from them!

The only thing that it could use is a stronger ring from which to hang the flowers the one inside seems to bow a bit, but this is a minor thing and doesn't merit removing a star.

Another great feature is the uniqueness I mentioned above we have gotten more compliments on this mobile.It's pretty "old-school" i.e., no motorized parts, no music, no lights, and no arm to hang it from the side of a crib in essence, you get what you see in the picture.And thank goodness this mobile has bought us months of happy baby time!We've got it suspended from a little hook in the ceiling, and wouldn't have it any other way.

I really like all the product from Haba, especially this mobile. They are made in Germany of high quality materials, and have a sweetness and charm that a lot of US products lack. I love the colors too.

The only thing about this mobile that was a little unexpected was that it doesn't come with an arm to hang from the edge of the crib. Instead, we hung it from the ceiling on some elastic. Worked great.

Buy HABA Sunshine Mobile Now

We bought this mobile for my daughter before she was born and it is still one of her favorite things at 11 months.She likes to hold conversations with her "flower friends"

The best things about this mobile are:

1.)The faces of the flowers point toward the baby!(Why do most mobiles have the faces pointed at the adults anyway.It's not meant to be your toy!)

2.)The mobile is colorful to stimulate the baby's senses, but not over stimulating.

3.)It can be spun around by the parents

4.)It's by HABA and you can find all sorts of cute toys and decor to match

Things to keep in mind are:

1.)It has to be hung from the ceiling instead of having an arm attaching it to the crib.I really like this because it meant that I didn't have to discard her mobile when she was old enough to sit up and stand up in her crib.

2.)It is not mechanical and doesn't play music or spin itself.I count this as a plus since a lot of that music is canned and awful.My daughter disliked the synthesized music played by her bouncy chair and various toys anyway!

One of the other reviewers said that the ring had warped with the weight, but ours is still straight.The ring feels like it is not very thick, though, so I can see how this might be an issue.My daughter has had a lot of fun with her mobile, and it was worth every penny!

Read Best Reviews of HABA Sunshine Mobile Here

This is truly fanstastic.I bought 2 other fancier mobiles and had to return them as my little girl adores this one.She kicks and coos as I give it a whirl for her.I absolutely recommend this adorable product.

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The HABA products are all fantastic.I bought this mobile based on the other reviews, and my daughter loves it.I hung it from the ceiling so that it hangs directly above her.She loves to look up and coo at the pretty faces on the flowers.This was definitely a fantastic purchase.

Board Game Set - Deluxe 15 in 1 Tabletop Wood-accented Game Center with Storage Drawer (Checkers, C

Board Game Set - Deluxe 15 in 1 Tabletop Wood-accented Game Center with Storage DrawerThis is a beautiful set.The cards for the card games are a little small, but I got this for the kids so it works out great.Great service!

There is no game in the set that is playable due to to the size of the pieces. The idea is excellent but the execution is poor.

Buy Board Game Set - Deluxe 15 in 1 Tabletop Wood-accented Game Center with Storage Drawer (Checkers, C Now

Ordered this box game set as a prize in our employee summer picnic. It was a sought after prize and a hit with the winning ticket. Package arrived promply and in stated condition.

Read Best Reviews of Board Game Set - Deluxe 15 in 1 Tabletop Wood-accented Game Center with Storage Drawer (Checkers, C Here

I sent this to my grandson out-of-state for his birthday. He loves it, but there are tiny pieces , very tiny, so he can not play with it unless his 2 yr. sister is napping because she wants to join in, and like I said, the pieces are very small. You would think they would make bigger markers and charge a little more.

As for AMAZON , I am done with them. They charged my daughter for 2 items she neverpurchased at the end of OCT. and overdrew her bank account and to this day, March4, they have not given her the overdraft money even though they said they would if the bank would send them her statement stating the charges that her bank FAXed to them. RIP OFFS!!Poor buisness practices here.

Want Board Game Set - Deluxe 15 in 1 Tabletop Wood-accented Game Center with Storage Drawer (Checkers, C Discount?

NEW Avengers Marvel SuperHero Dog Tags 50 count

NEW Avengers Marvel SuperHero Dog Tags 50 count
  • MARVEL DOG TAGS, assorted based on availability
  • May have duplicates, items shipped may be different than shown
  • Great for Party Favor or special occasions
  • Nice dog tags on metal beaded necklaces
  • Great for the holidays

These were the big hit at my son's birthday party. The kids loved them as much as the adults did. There were plenty of variety in the pack of 50 that I received, so no one was disappointed with what character they got. The detail and coloring is very nice. Each comes with a plastic coated film on top of the image that you can peel off and the chain has a clasp that you can connect to another one to make a longer necklace. I wish there were more Female Heroes in the setThe only female character was the Fantastic 4's Susan Storm, which would be my only complaint.

Disney Princess Activity Table and Chair Set

Disney Princess Activity Table and Chair SetIt's a nice set.However, make sure you don't leave it in a room with cats.If they claw the plastic on the chairs or table, it will put a hole in it.The chairs were comfy for a while.Then just recently, our daughter complained that it was uncomfortable.The screws/nails were coming through the plastic where she sits.If we had known before hand, we wouldn't have purchased it.

Lionel Boy Scouts Of America O-Gauge Train Set

Lionel Boy Scouts Of America O-Gauge Train Set
  • This set includes, die-cast 0-8-0 steam locomotive, tender, bulkhead flatcar with box and wheel load, operating derrick car, BSA oath boxcar with opening doors and more
  • Train length is approximately 58?, track layout is 40? x 60?
  • Transformer controlled forward, neutral and reverse operation
  • Operating steam whistle with on/off switch in tender

In the words of my 8 year old boy scout son "Its really cool, and I really like the crane car. I also really like the figures in the engine".It's a good little started set and in its most basic form is really entertaining to a young O Guage railroader. As someone who has been collecting Lionel and O Guage trains for 30 years (got my first set at 3 at DT&I made by MPC) I can tell you I was really impressed with this set. The locomotive is die cast, and very well made and with a fair amount of detail. The graphics and colors of the set are spot on with those of the BSA, and the wording and significance of the numbers on the set really hits home scouting dogma and history. The bonus patch (BSA Approved for a brag vest) also is a very nice touch. If your boy loves scouting and wants a first train set don't hesitate on getting this one.

Buy Lionel Boy Scouts Of America O-Gauge Train Set Now

Purchased this set just before Christmas and it was delivered on time and just as expected and in perfect condition.(thats important with a collectable train set).Operation of this train was also just as expected with a lionel just expect the product to work perfectly. This set will just add to my collection that started over 30 years ago.

Read Best Reviews of Lionel Boy Scouts Of America O-Gauge Train Set Here

This Lionel Boy Scouts of America train set, was THE DEAL for Christmas 2011! Like all Lionel "starter sets",it has everything included to set up a temporary layout,right on the floor or rug, or on a table top.The snap together Fastrack system is rugged and reliable,and is used by many serious model builders and collectors(myself included)It would be a great troop fundraising vehicle,that any scout,or FORMER SCOUT, would love to own, at a price that is well below dealer cost!

Want Lionel Boy Scouts Of America O-Gauge Train Set Discount?

The value of this starter set is great, not only does it come with a great train but also the track and transformer. My son really will enjoy seeing this train in operation.

Save 9% Off

Heavyweight engine runs well, both fast & esp. slow, which is important. Plastic cars are well made & look good. Easy to assemble, easy to run. Even my Fireman (wife) didn't derail it when she ran the train (1st time running one, ever!) Headlights, caboose, BSA logos, this set is great, esp. if there is a connection to Boy Scouts of America. Train is easy to handle for novices, & operates well for old-timers.

Purchased to start grandson off right, but I had fun with it too, even at 71!

A good value at the retail of 300, it can often be found with substantial (20-30%,+) discounts.

Mirror For The Tub

Mirror For The TubI was looking for a kid's bathtub mirror so the kids could view their soapy mohawks and silly grins in the tub. All the mirrors I saw geared toward kids were too small or had characters on it that took up most of the space and the mirror part would let you look at your eye and cheek at best. Initially I worried that this TV mirror would be too small but when it arrived I was pleased to see the mirror portion was bigger than I thought. It has no suction cups on the back; it sticks to wet surfaces and will eventually slide off if either too wet or totally dry. It sticks on our tile walls. I'm very happy with this product, especially the size of the mirror. I'd recommend it!

This mirror has a ridiculous amount of distortion-it's like fun house mirror.I hardly expect it to be like a glass mirror, but this is really low-quality.And it came scratched and clouded in the middle.I've been underwhelmed by Alex products in the past, and won't be buying any more of them.

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We needed more bath toys for my son, and requested this for his birthday.He loved it...until we tried to stick it to the tub.It simply doesn't stick!Our tub walls are completely tiles or grout.Everything sticks to them nicely except this product.Also, it's quite small.Makes a decent mirror for an infant to play with on the floor, but not for the task it's designed to do.

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Doesn't stick to our tiles walls, even when wet.Got it so my 7 year old can see herself with funny hair when she gets shampooed, but it's too small to see much.I do like that it's cute and safe.

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a good buy for children. my son loves it and he has cerebral palsy and he is 20 years old

Lipper International Child's Slanted Top Desk and Chair

Lipper International Child's Slanted Top Desk and Chair, AcaciaThis desk is really nice, great wood, solid. But two of the dowel holes weren't deep enough on the chair and I had to drill it out myself.Also, the top of the table sits flush on the right side of the table but there is a gap on the left.So something is uneven there. All in all, for a child's desk, it's a good deal.It's just a shame that they didn't pay more attention to the details.I'd recommend it more highly if it were a bit cheaper. If these 2 issues hadn't arisen, i would have given it 5 stars.

Bought for my 2 and 5 year olds for Christmas and they absolutely LOVE these desks.Great size and much roomier than I expected!A "solo cup" size cup, filled will markers can stand straight up at deepest part and top can still close!Would recommend to anyone who has kids that love to color, draw, do projects, etc.!

Buy Lipper International Child's Slanted Top Desk and Chair Now

The first desk I assembled was near perfect. A small crack in the wood on the back of the desk was the only defect I could find. The top closed flat and the hinges worked very well to keep the top up and provides enough resistance when closing that the top doesn't slam.

The second one I ordered (to replace an awful quality pecan-colored version of the same desk) was not quite a perfect. The top doesn't close quite all the way on both side, one side stays up a about 1/4" unless pressure is applied to it (while writing, drawing, etc.). Even this one with it's minor imperfections is 100% better than the pecan-colored one that I returned, that was an absolute piece of junk.

NOTE: The espresso one is made in Thailand and the pecan one is made in Vietnam, beware of this difference when considering any of the slanted top desks from Lipper International.

The pecan colored model used a different hinge altogether which bound up when opening and closing. The espresso hinges allow the top to go just past vertical when fully opened. The pecan hinge allowed it to be open a little more than about 60 degrees. The top didn't sit flush on either side when closed, sticking up about an inch, pressing on the top to fully close would flex the back of the desk (where the hinge attaches to inside). I cannot stress enough that the quality coming from the Vietnam factory is far inferior to that of the Thailand factory.

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Perfect for a child... my grand son loves it...easy toput together...good quality..amazingly hold tons of stuff that he needs..

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I loved the design and bought two for my kids. My kindergartner was super excited about being able to store her things in her own desk...Sadly the desk, which I still think is beautiful, has very odd proportions for little kids. When my daughter sat on the chair she couldn't comfortably reach up or rest her arm on the desk. We tried other chairs in the house but they were too high for the desk...the problem is that by being generous with the storage, the desk doesn't leave much room for a higher chair or to lower the desk. I didn't bother opening the other package, and returned both of them. Beware that if you return this to Amazon, you might have to pay shipping charge for the return depending on what you state as your reason for return. I don't know if the product is defective or if it's simply bad design / construction, so I simply stated that I no longer want it, which apparently is not good enough reason for Amazon to pay for the return...

Butterfly Shakehand Trebuchet Table Tennis Paddle

Butterfly Shakehand Trebuchet Table Tennis Paddlethis racket like any takes a while to get use to but when u do, u certainly have an advantage over the oppponent. Spin is crazy on this racket!!!

Very light and agile racket excellent for defending and against the chopping game good for the basement player I wouldn't recommend it for someone that has been playing for a while and its looking to up his or her game with a better paddle... The only thing I don't like about only after a week of use it looks like very old paddle by the I mean the edges are coming apart I have not experience that with my other paddles......

Buy Butterfly Shakehand Trebuchet Table Tennis Paddle Now

Good Control, well balanced, and very fast. Took me a bout 2 weeks to get used to control on the back hand. Forehand power and control is awesome.

Rubber tackiness is very good, although rubber thickness and strength could use improvement. After playing only 2 times, the edges of rubber showed some fraying.

Inquired about the rubber problem with and sent them pictures of the racket. They were very nice and sent me a brand new racket atno charge and let me keep the old one. I have not had a chance to try the new one yet to see if the rubber fraying is problamatic with this racket.

Stay Tuned for an update on racket #2 rubber durability.

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Received my paddle within excellent timeframe. When I got the paddle there was a slight defect in the rubber, but nothing that will harm during gameplay. BumperNets sent me a courtesy cleaning kit as an apology. Look forward to doing business with them again!

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The selling feature of this paddle for me was the fact that it had a rubber on it that was actually sold separately (Flextra).It's rated as an all around rubber that is good for beginners learning strokes.It also costs about twenty five dollars a sheet, making this paddle basically free.I am a recreational player and for me the trebuchet gives a lot of spin and a fair amount of control and speed.It is spinnier than what I used in the past, which was also a premade paddle.The rubber does fray some around the edges, but it hasn't affected play.I assume the rubber is replaceable so a user could possible upgrade to a better sheet when their skills improved, or even use different types of rubber on forehand and backhand.

As bought, the paddle is comfortable and easy to use.I have no idea how they come up with ratings for these things but if it was me doing the rating I would give it a higher rating on control than fifty and probably a lower rating on speed than one hundred.Remember though, I am not a club or tournament player.

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Discover Junction Rolling Friend James

Discover Junction Rolling Friend JamesThis train is in the Discover Junction line also called "free wheelin' trains". Engine size is: 3.5 (L) x 2.4 (W) x 4.25 (H)

That means these are largish plastic engines that have WHEELS and connect via a hook and oval between them.They do not need a track they are not motorized they do not have magnets.

They are the perfect size for toddler hands and can easily be connected. no frustrating tracks to assembly, dissassemble (break or trip over!)This will be an instant favorite!

A must have with the Tidmouth sheds playset!! Such a fun toy but be sure to buy all the friends!!

Buy Discover Junction Rolling Friend James Now

GOGO™ 3-Star 40mm Table Tennis Balls (Price for 12 Tubes, 72 balls), Ping Pong Balls

GOGO™ 3-Star 40mm Table Tennis Balls, Ping Pong Balls - OrangeMy last GoGo order 3-star balls were fine (earlier in 2012). This order (12/2012) come in with very rough finish on the surface. It's not smooth, polished. I've handled ping pong balls for 50 years and these came out of the box very noticeably rough, almost a nap finish. Definitely not smooth and definitely rougher that ALL of the mix of white, yellow, 1-star, 3-star, and multiple brands of balls in my box of balls. Can't see picking through the ball box for each serve to find the finish of ball I want. I would expect these to spin differently and fly differently. Not even good for practice, certainly not 3-star.

I went through a couple of boxes to see if it was consistent and yes. Even at this price, I may return them. But hopefully this review will help. (Back to Stiga I guess.) I'll upload a photo.

I am really happy with these ping pong balls. I just got my first ping pong table. I used to play a lot in college, and it had been a few years since I'd been into the game. I was surprised to see that most 3-star balls sell for around a dollar each. It seemed high to me, so I shopped and shopped until I found these. I was a little concerned they would not meet my standards since they are priced at half of what most 3-star balls cost, but after playing through a couple of boxes (balls tend to get "lost" in my garage), I can say that I have no complaints at all with the durability, symmetry, consistency, and liveliness of this product. It's an A++ all the way around.

Buy GOGO™ 3-Star 40mm Table Tennis Balls (Price for 12 Tubes, 72 balls), Ping Pong Balls Now

I purchased these balls to go with the Robo-Pong 2050.The balls are of excellent quality and I have not had any jam ups in the Robo-PongThe balls are also very good for all round play they have a nice weight.Overall very happy!

Read Best Reviews of GOGO™ 3-Star 40mm Table Tennis Balls (Price for 12 Tubes, 72 balls), Ping Pong Balls Here

These balls are pretty amazing! The price makes these balls a steal. They are durable, well made, and consistent. Much better than buying a 6-pack of SportCraft 1-star balls for $5.Or even a lot of the 3-star balls out there.

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This is a great ball for the price has a good weight, seems to spin very true, etc.Definitely a 3-star ball.

Save 57% Off

A Game of Thrones Miniatures - George R.R. Martin Masterworks: Melisandre - Priestess of R'hllor

A Game of Thrones Miniatures - George R.R. Martin Masterworks: Melisandre - Priestess of R'hllorI was completely misled by the description and picture of this object. She is only about an inch high and made of pewter. The one in the picture has been painted by someone very skillful. If you are looking for a small pewter figure to painstakingly paint than this is probably great for you but it was not what I wanted. I am returning her (sadly, because I really wanted a Melisandre figurine.) I will add to this review if anything of note takes place in the return process.