Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures Starter Set

Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures Starter SetAs one of the previous reviewers pointed out, there is a large single sided, black and white dungeon tiles fold out;like a folded square poster.It's bland and generic IMO but it is extremely useful; if they only included two! or three, or four..Very useful since u can 'decorate' them according to your party's visual range.

Furthermore, the included terrain tiles(postcard quality) are also single sided, exactly 5X8, and all have different settings.You can't really play on them as they are so small/limited.They serve as a visual aid.

You get 12 miniatures w/ corresponding stat cards(normal)

The rundown, out of the entire collection, 30% ~ 40% stand for 'player' characters; humanoid NPCs, etc.So u might end up with 4 'player' characters like me; it depends on what you're hoping for.The Good!!Large Miniatures(2X2).The Bad, you'll always get the bear; a wolf would've been much better.

For those of you looking to buy your first set, i would recommend the Basic Set(not this one) as you get more, non-randomized, miniatures, solid/set-in coloured tiles, and THE set of dice(expensive if bought seperately; generic ones too).

I have to say I was very impressed with these miniatures. They are highly detailed, durable, artistic and colorful. I like the fact that lead is no longer used in minatues, as it is poisonous and not very durable. These plastic figures are fully and beautifully colored, so no painting is required! Each set is different, containing (sort of like collector cards) common, uncommon and rare figures. A collectors list is included. My set had a dozen figures, including three uncommon and one rare figure. Most of the figures in my set were fighter-types, but it did also contain several monsters.

The box set also contains a full sized play map, which is a grid of stone (pictures) which resembles a dungeon floor. It is about two feet by three feet, and can be used for dungeon combat. Six cards are also included with dungeon settings and walls, do add a little more detail to your battles.

Also included are stat cards, with statistics for all the figures. I'm not going to use these, but they could be fun.

Buy Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures Starter Set Now

I give this three stars because of the packaging isn't as good as the packaging for the previously Entry Pack.Also, the stat cards for these minis are easier to read and the quality is okay.The rulebook is a must have because it has the updates to the Miniatures Handbook.I haven't played the game yet but it looks easy to play.

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