Safco AlphaBetter 20" x 28" Student Desk in Gray With Book Box

Safco AlphaBetter 20' x 28' Student Desk in Gray With Book Box
  • Nylon leveler feet.
  • Improves posture.
  • Provides stress relief for the lower back.

We are a home school family, and I wish that I would have gotten it sooner!School at the kitchen table just wasn't cutting it!My youngest daughter likes to fidget.Consequently, home school for her takes a LONG time. (She is 7 years old.)We have had the desks and stools for about a week.Just in that short period of time we have noticed a marked improvement in the manner and the time in which she completes her work!The time needed to complete all of the subjects has been cut in half!This desk is worth every penny!

We purchased the desk with the storage box and the shelf.I highly recommend both!They are worth the extra cost. If you get the desk without the box, you will regret it later.I could not be more pleased with the storage feature.

The desks are well constructed and very well designed.Our kids love the indentation along the outside of the desk that keep their pencils from rolling onto the floor.The adjustable stool is quite heavy which helps it remain firmly situated and not tip over.It is easy to see that this investment will last the life time of our home school teaching career.The height on the table can be adjusted to an average adult standing height.I fully intend to use this desk (for my craft and hobbies) once my home school teaching is completed!

There is a fair amount of assembly required but just sit down and study the instructions previous to diving in.Know that there is a difference between the left and right legs of the desk.Once assembled, you will need to adjust the height to the correct height for your child.I used a tape measure to measure the distance from my daughters elbow and then subtracted an inch for clearance.While the table was on its side on the floor, we adjusted the height to correspond.She seems extremely comfortable with the table at that height.

This desk has made my life as a home school mom SO much easier.Even my daughter has noticed a change. She couldn't be happier with this desk. It is great that she has a desk that is just hers, but also that she is completely comfortable and ABLE to concentrate when she does her work!!!She actually looks forward to doing her home school work now!

Check into Discount Office Items it Amazon isn't carrying this desk.They offer free shipping and sometimes you can find a coupon code to bring the price down a little.

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