POOF-Slinky 35100 Ideal Impact Game

POOF-Slinky 35100 Ideal Impact GameI bought this toy for my grandchildren, ages 7 and 4.They were very interested -but the toy broke after about 5 minutes of play.The pendulum weight hit the metal support legs, and the ball chain that supports the weight broke.I can see no way to repair this failure.We improvised a pendulum with a piece of string and some miscellaneous hardware for a weight.The kids still enjoyed playing with the toy, and I guess you could say that the toy has educational value since they learned something about making do.But I did not feel that the toy was a good value, and I would not recommend it to others.

Save 5% Off

Operation Spongebob Edition

Operation Spongebob EditionI played this with my 5-yr-old several times. Trains fine motor skills and math. Challenging enough but not too difficult for him while it is still fun for me. I recommend it.

Buy it from Target for the right price.

I purchased this product for a fun rainy day activity for the family.It is fun for the whole family even if everyone is over the age limit. :)

Buy Operation Spongebob Edition Now

Why is it on Amazon search for this toy, it comes up as 19.99, but when you choose the link it comes up as 47.99?? Amazon has had many items this year with issues like that, and at least double or triple inflated prices for an item that retails in stores for MUCH less EVERYWHERE. What's up Amazon? THis is a classic toy we'd love to purchase here, but not with issues like that! Otherwise, my son loves Operation games and would love this one too. Great for fine motor skills and practicing patience!

Read Best Reviews of Operation Spongebob Edition Here

It is fun to play with this toy, but not for long.

You get bored very fast.

But it is good for the kids to practice their abilities.

Want Operation Spongebob Edition Discount?

Could there be a more fun take on an old classic game we all remember from childhood? I remember playing Operation when I was a small boy, over 40 years ago & always recall that it was a blast! My youngest nephew turned six last month & is a monster Sponge Bob fan! Immediately, the light bulb goes off in Uncle Mark's head!

This was THE birthday gift this year. The young lad was totally absorbed & could not have more excited. It's great that is this ultra high-tech world we live in, a toy based on a cherished favorite can still be simple, easy to play & barrells of fun. Highly recommended for kids of all ages!

ECR4Kids ELR-14101 48" Clover Shaped Adjustable Activity Table in Gray

ECR4Kids ELR-14101 48' Clover Shaped Adjustable Activity Table in GrayI homeschool my kids and needed a table that would stand up to everyday use by young children. This table turned out to be exactly what I needed, an all-purpose activity table that I could use for painting, drawing, writing, crafts, or whatever else we end up doing. I love that it was a very simple assembly and is easy to clean.Another nice feature is how sturdy it is.When I shake it, as a child would do when they're writing or leaning on it to reach the crayons in the middle, it will not move.Most tables would give a little when bumped, but not this table it's as solid as a rock (and should be at 74 lbs)!

I also love the clover shape!It's not boxy and boring as a rectangular table and doesn't push you away from it as a round table does.The clover shape is a great compromise and is perfect for being able to scoot in closer to the middle, almost like it invites you into your own personal space.

I ordered the chunky legs to go with the table because they have a wider stance than the other two types and they are adjustable from 15"-24".So that will allow a 2-year-old all the way through middle school at 12-years-old to use it with the adjustments.I have even found that I can sit down at the table with my kids quite comfortably and join in the activity.

Very happy with this purchase!

Orion StarBlast 4.5 Astro Telescope

Orion StarBlast 4.5 Astro Telescope
  • Compact 4.5-inch (113-mm) f/4 Newtonian reflector, comes ready to use
  • Only 25 inches tall, it makes a great "grab-and-go" telescope for impromptu observation sessions
  • With a tabletop altitude-azimuth mount, 6- and 17-mm Explorer II 1.25-inch eyepieces

I've had an Orion StarBlast for over a year now, and even though I have larger, more sophisticated telescopes, it is the one I use most. The setup is instantaneous though, like other reflectors, it takes some time to cool down on cold nights. It's easily portable, and works well as a grab `n go. The short focal length makes it excellent for low power, wide field views of deep sky objects and the moon. Through the StarBlast, I have observed (to name a few) the Ring Nebula, the Andromeda Galaxy (along with its two neighboring galaxies), Galaxies M81 and M82, countless open clusters, the Lagoon and Trifid nebulas, The Eagle Nebula, the nebula in Orion, comets NEAT and LINEAR. Jupiter's belts and moons are apparent at higher power, as are Staurn's rings and the phases of Venus and Mercury. During the last opposition, I could see Martian polar ice caps. During the last lunar eclipse, I had no trouble taking digital photographs through this instrument.

This is the same fast optics formula as the Edmund AstroScan and Bushnell Voyager bowling ball. The StarBlast is far and away the best of the three, but as with the others, the high power views are soft. That feature is not a problem for those of us primarily interested in deep sky. Planetary views could be more detailed, and my own StarBlast won't split the double double in suburban skies. (Orion's somewhat longer 4.5" f 8 dobsonian is more suited to these subjects.) In addition, most globular clusters present as unresolved fuzzy balls, as they will in any instrument of this aperture.

For the price, though, you can't really beat the StarBlast. It works well as a family telescope, or as a casual scope for someone interested but not obsessed by astronomy. It is small, inexpensive, and intuitive enough to be handled by children. It also works nicely for crusty old guys like me who have bigger hardware, but just don't feel like moving it every night.

Buy Orion StarBlast 4.5 Astro Telescope Now

I agree with all the previous reviews. I've owned a number of telescopes. In all honesty, I never planned on getting this scope, but I changed my mind the first time I looked through one at star party. As some of the reviews have mentioned this little guy isn't really designed for high power views. However it does a decent enough job with it's 6mm eyepiece (75x) which lets you see Saturn's rings. Where this scope shines is wide field objects like the Pleiades, which are too big to be seen in a normal telescope. I believe a previous reviewer mentioned a jerky motion when turning the telescope. I was able to minimize this by taking the lazy susan type base apart and spraying Pledge furniture polish on the laminate surface to lessen friction.

The biggest "con" this scope has is that it needs to be set on top of a table in order to get the eyepiece up to a comfortable height. However this telescope still blows away anything I've seen in Costco, Wallmart, etc.

One thing you should be aware of is you really have to go somewhere pretty dark away from all lighting for this and any other telescope to achieve it's best views. Ideally somewhere out in the country as far away as possible from street lighting will let you enjoy much better views.

Read Best Reviews of Orion StarBlast 4.5 Astro Telescope Here


This is a great telescope for a beginner.

First, let me share my credentials: I'm an advanced amateur astronomer, having been in the hobby for over 15 years.I have a 16" diameter telescope that I made myself, and I worked for a telescope company (not Orion!) for 4 years, designing telescopes for them.I think I know a little bit about telescopes...

I bought this scope (my 5th!) because it received a very positive review in Sky & Telescope magazine, and it fit my needs: something portable, easy, of good quality, and inexpensive.I bought it with the intention of using it only for quick sessions when someone asks me to look at something.I've ended up using it for much more than that!

In talking with my students, I see that choosing a telescope becomes very complicated if you try to learn about the features and specifications and try to make a choice that way.Frankly, don't bother.Just buy this one and most likely you'll be satisfied.It certainly beats other telescopes in its price range.

It has only 2 drawbacks.First, the eyepiece ends up very low, so you need to place the scope on a table, crate, etc.The option is to observe on your knees, which is fine for most, but might not be what you expect.

The second drawback is that views of the planets will be small.But they WILL be decently SHARP.I would recommend buying a 2x Barlow lens, to increase power.This is an inherent tradeoff in wide-field telescopes like this one, and a tradeoff I would take ANY day because finding objects is much easier if you've got a wide field of view.Just buy the Barlow and you're all set.

Some other reviewers mention a "jerky" motion in either axis.You can adjust that!Just loosen the bolt holding the axis together, and you'll reduce friction.Note, however, that if it's too loose, the scope won't stay put!This happens on every telescope, by the way, not just this one.

I highly recommend this scope.Good luck, and keep looking up!

Andres Dandler


Want Orion StarBlast 4.5 Astro Telescope Discount?

I absolutely love Orion Products, and I have been fortunate to have experienced a few of their telescopes through classes, star parties, etc. This little Orion StarBlast 4.5Astro Telescope [Altazimuth-based Reflector TabletopScope] is by far my all-time favorite small scope. I love everything about it: the color, the user-friendly design, the easy assembly, the sturdy base, the easy-to-do eyepiece / focuser unit, the potential for cool add-ons like Barlows, filters, and eyepieces, and the value for price. I am also impressed with the very informative, encouraginginstruction manual that comes with the product, which would be helpful for first-time scope users!

Remember, of course, the key word here is "tabletop" scope. The scope does not have long, adjustable legs like those found on equatorial mounted scopes. [I find EQ mounts and refractors very irritating to set up for short nightly use and quick views, which is why I prefer this StarBlast scope.] Many users will want to place the Starblast on an outdoor table or sturdy platform to raise the product up for more comfortable viewing. This is helpful, and I have done that. I have also just spread a large exercise mat / blanket on the ground and placed the telescope there with all its accessories. I had no trouble using the scope from this position--with both of us on the ground! This is actually my preferred way to gaze at the Orion Nebula. [This method is also safest when using the telescope around children--who may, in their excitement, knock the scope off a table or platform.]

Now, I wear eyeglasses, so I am always careful to choose equipment and eyepieces that can accommodate me. The instruction manual of this scope provides some helpful tips for eyeglass wearers. Especially helpful is the comment: "If your eyes are astigmatic, images will probably appear best with glasses on. This is because a telescope's focuser can accommodate for nearsightedness or farsightedness, but not for astigmatism" (Orion Manual, Page 5). Many first time telescope buyers aren't aware of eye relief effects or the unique optical properties of telescopes--like the focuser attributes or inverted images.

If you are interested in eye relief, let me recommend this product: Orion 17mm Stratus Wide-Field Eyepiece, 1.25"/2", which is also available from Amazon, I think. You can really see well with this EP, and it does not stress your eyes like cheap "peep hole" EP's. **For those who can afford pricey solutions, check out the Televue Dioptrx Astigmatism Correcting Lens options. Research well though before you buy!!! Your eyes, scope, and correctors all have to be compatible! Certainly do not invest in something like before you are 250% sure that you love star-gazing and telescope viewing, especially on a regular basis. Each person must weigh benefits against costs in these instances.**

My StarBlast came with two eye pieces: 17mm and 6mm Explorer II eyepieces. I can use the 6mm, but it is uncomfortable.I prefer the 17mm--which is better for my eyes, or my own added-on Stratus one as discussed above. Just for fun, I used eyepieces from another one of my scopes in the StarBlast and received some satisfying views as well: Sirius Plossl Eyepieces, 25mm and 10mm, 1,25" So, even though StarBlast comes with the tiny 6mm, there's no law that says you have to be confined to just the included eyepieces. The beauty of this product is that you can expand your collection and your seeing with some well-chosen, additional products. Many stargazers generally collect eyepieces very different from their product's standard inclusions. :)

A good way to explore eyepiece topics, astro equipment, night sky events, and space news is to subscribe to Astronomy magazine or to Sky & Telescope. My other advice for all first time telescope users is this: Understand that no home telescope will give you Hubble views; it's virtually impossible. So, don't expect your scope to show you the same images you would see in say magazines or National Geographic or on TV. REMEMBER: when you are using your own personal scope, you are viewing live sky--you, our planet, and the celestial targets are in a sense "sharing the same (vast) space" at that moment-each moving as its own nature / design dictates --unlike a static image in a publication. You are not just a spectator watches images; you are a participant! There's a certain thrill that goes with this! :) When I saw an interesting arrangement of Jupiter's four Galilean moons and the planet itself one night, I was totally thrilled, praising the scope. Now, the view was tiny (as this is a "small" scope); however, it was live. Jupiter look like a parent with for little children gathering around!

So, when you finally target Saturn or Jupiter in the StarBlast. savor the thrill of that moment, that astronomical connection. Remember that you are seeing them with more power and more knowledge than even Galileo himself! Thank him for his contributions though, for his efforts opened new worlds to humanity.

My sister was considering a telescope but was unsure whether she should put out a large amount of money for something she might not often use. I suggested the Orion StarBlast Astro Telescope as a way to test the waters first. The telescope is very inexpensive, yet reviews of the scope are good. What I didn't expect was how good this little telescope can be. Saturn's rings are clear, with a hint of Cassini on still nights. Jupiter's two primary bands are clear as well, and globular clusters are much brighter and more resolved than you would believe possible for a scope of this price (don't expect glittering jewelry boxes though.)

The scope is well built, solid, yet lightweight. Its incredibly easy to use, and the view in the primary's sweet spot is bright and clear. Outside the sweet spot the images get distorted quickly, but for this price that is a small consideration.

Like the rest of the scope, the red dot finder is easy to use. My sister's scope did not have the jerkyness other reviewers have reported, but I can't say whether we were lucky or they weren't.

I have an informal test of whether a first telescope is any good: did the new owners put it in closet after a few frustrating attempts, or have they developed a growing fondness for and knowledge of astronomy? In our case the little StarBlast excelled at this test.

One prior reviewer asked why, with a telescope this good at this price, everyone didn't have a telescope? Good question -for a first scope, its well worth the price. If you are planning to buy or give a first scope, I wouldn't look any further. You will still be happily using this scope long after you move up to larger, more powerful telescopes.

Multisensory Multiplication and Division with Melodies CD (MMDM): CD includes audio tracks, manual

Multisensory Multiplication and Division with Melodies CD: CD includes audio tracks, manual and handouts
  • Students can use the same melodies to recall division facts and least common multiples.The text manual reviews the process.
  • Our songs use well-known melodies that are jazzed up with a dazzling, new flare.
  • These songs are very short with no fillers. The only words in the songs are the numbers themselves. This aids quick memory retention and retrieval.
  • This product is both multisensory and fun.It can be used as a third grade curriculum or a tool at home to help any child quickly learn these facts.
  • This product offers both an audio and text component on a single CD.When popped into a CD player you will access the audio portion.This offers musical tracks with children singing as well as karaoke versions.Furthermore, a comprehensive text manual that is saved as a Word document presents recommendations on how to incorporate other learning modalities into the teaching-learning process that will meet the needs of all learners. Finally, the text CD also offers fun, interactive activities and handouts.

My son struggled with learning multiplication tables and finally this is what did the trick.The music/sensory approach is definitely the best.A terrific learning tool!

Buy Multisensory Multiplication and Division with Melodies CD (MMDM): CD includes audio tracks, manual Now

If your child is having trouble learning multiplication and division tables by rote memory, this product is the answer!The CD has great easy-to-learn songs that teach the multiplication and division tables with tremendous ease for verbal and non-traditional learners.It has changed my daughter's life (4th grade).For her, learning math is now fun and the songs are very catchy (even I sing them now).It also has a manual and handouts (which include mazes), which are lots of fun as well.I highly recommend this product.In my opinion, Dr. Warren has mastered the art of teaching from a multi-sensory perspective and this product is a must-have for all types of learners!

Read Best Reviews of Multisensory Multiplication and Division with Melodies CD (MMDM): CD includes audio tracks, manual Here

My kids love this CD!They know all the songs by heart.This CD has made the very difficult task of memorizing the multiplication facts loads of fun.All the materials on the CD are right on target and offer tremendous ideas to help facilitate memorization of math facts.I highly recommend this to parents and teachers in regular classrooms as well as special education environments.

Want Multisensory Multiplication and Division with Melodies CD (MMDM): CD includes audio tracks, manual Discount?

This is a marvelous learning tool, designed with the help of the children who will use it. It's also adult-friendly to better assist those who will be helping the children learn. I found the product enchanting, a great experience on many sensory levels.

My 4th grade daughter is having great success with the Multisensory Multiplication CD. She struggles with any kind of memorization, but she now knows all the songs and is having her highest scores ever on her facts tests at school. She is thrilled with the success she is having.

Mirage 3-D Instant Hologram Maker

Mirage 3-D Instant Hologram MakerSimply amazing optical illusion.It is only completely effective when viewed from a range of angles but it is completely convincing when you are viewing in this range.Objects that can be used with this size mirage are kind of small, but it is probably not worth getting the lager size mirage because of the cost.This is a nice novelty item for someone with an empty desk.

OK, these aren't laser generated holograms but it works great, and is a fun teaching tool.Good for science fair projects and a novel coffee table item.Product came quickly and was well packed for shipping.Had good service from this vendor.

Buy Mirage 3-D Instant Hologram Maker Now

it works great, and makes a cool gift. anything you put in it appears to hover in mid air...3D! I gifted it last christmas, and it is still on display on their coffee table. Don't expect much though. It's two plastic dome or bowl halves, really light weight, and more of a novelty than a qualaty piece of art

Read Best Reviews of Mirage 3-D Instant Hologram Maker Here

The hologram was very cool and surprisingly realistic.It can be viewed from 360 degrees (horizontal rotation) but has more limited vertical viewing angles (this did not significantly detract from the illusion).Though it is really neat, it is seems to be a bit over priced for two pieces of plastic.However, I was unable to find it cheaper elsewhere.

Want Mirage 3-D Instant Hologram Maker Discount?

Great, My husband has been into magic since he was in Elementary school, He loves it !

Loves to have toys on his desk at work to share !

Save 5% Off

Groovy Style Beachy Keen Chair- for Groovy Girl Dolls

Groovy Style Beachy Keen Chair- for Groovy Girl DollsWhile I am sorry that those girls were disappointed.THe parents should have looked at the details.What chair is .25 lbs that would hold a 3-8 year old.Also it come in a 6 inch box.

My daughter loves all the Groocy Girls and the accessories and furniture.This is well made as all of the other stuff and looks forward to the day that they do make a chair like this for her.

Though I do feel bad that girls were disappointed, I have to roll my eyes at people who don't read the WHOLE ad about the chair.Didn't the size and ship weight give you ANY kind of clue?

The chair is adorable and it's stated weight and size showed me immediately that it is for a DOLL! The chair not only fits the Groovy Girl line but several other makes too.If you are setting up a doll house for dolls in the 8-14" range, this chair is a must have!

As to the ones all in a hissy because they didn't read, perhaps, somewhere there is a Haley Joel Osment saying,

"I see dumb people.".

Buy Groovy Style Beachy Keen Chair- for Groovy Girl Dolls Now

My 5 year old daughter has a lot of the accessories and 6 of the dolls.They are terrific and exceptionally durable.I would make the purchase of these over plastic toys any day reguardless of price.

Read Best Reviews of Groovy Style Beachy Keen Chair- for Groovy Girl Dolls Here

This chair is so cute for the Groovy Girls Dolls. They actually are able to sit in this one without flopping over like some of the others. I feel it is very unfair for this to have received 1 star ratings from poeple who didnt even read what this was for. Its a groovy girl accessory, they did not intentionally make it look like a child size chair, they took a picture of it and thats exactly what it looks like. Some people are so scary!

Want Groovy Style Beachy Keen Chair- for Groovy Girl Dolls Discount?

This is a toy (listed at 4 oz). It is great for the Groovy Girls and looks adorable in a our Groovy Girls house. Just the right size and style. The metal is sturdy for a toy chair.

Toy Story 3 Table Cover

Toy Story 3 Table CoverThe boy loved the cover.The kids loved it at the party.Fairly durable so you can reuse or give away

Item worked out great. Same price as in the store, but if the store is sold out, it's a good deal.

Buy Toy Story 3 Table Cover Now

Dynamo Big D Foosball Table


Gund Baby Snuffles 7" Pink Plush

Gund Baby Snuffles 7' Pink PlushI own several Gund 'Snuffles' but they were purchased in the 1980s.The item is not made the same way today.It's very similar but not as thick as it used to be and the small one, 7", is a little larger than my original Baby Snuffles. Also, the eyes are thread, not beads. It's a gift for my baby granddaughter, so she won't know the difference, nor will anyone who did not have this product in the 1980s, but I noticed it right away.All that being said, this brand bear has the best, sweetest expression, in my opinion, and that has not changed.

this was the perfect size for our little one to cuddle with at night and it really is super soft

Buy Gund Baby Snuffles 7" Pink Plush Now

My 1 year old loves this bear :-) It is n ice and squishy. I hope it makes it through the laundering process.

Read Best Reviews of Gund Baby Snuffles 7" Pink Plush Here

My sister has 2 larger white versions of Snuffles, so I was delighted to purchase this littler pink one (as well as a blue one) for the little one she is expecting and I can hardly wait to give it to the baby when she/he arrives!

Want Gund Baby Snuffles 7" Pink Plush Discount?

I got this for my 9 month old daughter for Christmas because I had the exact same one when I was a kid and loved it. She adores it and it was her favorite gift. It is soft and plush and squishy. She loves smushing it and cuddling it. The eyes are stitched and not plastic, so it is safe for all ages. It was wonderful in the 80s and it's still wonderful now.

Save 13% Off

Mega Bloks Play 'n Go Table

Mega Bloks Play 'n Go TableMy son was given this item as a gift for his 1st birthday. He was immediately drawn to it and started playing with the blocks right away (of course that is not unusual for a new toy).

The good things: He still enjoys playing with it after months of it being around, bright colors, sturdy design, compact folding and storage, perfect height for him. Also, I know you can buy more blocks to go with it as the child grows and develops.

The bad things: you just have to make sure the legs are locked into place (not that big of a deal), and it doesn't come with a maid to clean up after my son!

Overall this is a great toy, and my son and I are very pleased.

My son received this at 19 months and is 22 months now. He plays with this table, but usually we just pull out the bag of Mega Blok Legos without the table. We are able to build a bigger variety of things with the bag of 200 Mega Legos when not using the table. The road takes up much of the building room, so I would have preferred it not have the road in the middle. If we didn't already have a 200 count bag of Mega Bloks and a million other toys, maybe my son would have played with this one more. It could be that the 20 bloks included in this set are enough to keep the attention of little ones when they don't have a bunch of other options to choose from.

If you are short on storage room, then you'll probably like that this table can fold up when it is not in use. You won't be able to fit additional Mega Bloks in this table for storage though, so don't throw away what you are currently storing your Mega Legos in. I noticed some people complained their child removed the stickers, but so far mine hasn't. In my opinion, it does not matter if the stickers are on the legos or not so that should not be a deciding factor on purchasing this table or not. If there's a Mega Blok table without the road, go that direction before buying this one. Overall, I love Mega Bloks. This table did include several legos that are not included in the 80 and 200 count bags (i.e. bridges, car, etc).

Buy Mega Bloks Play 'n Go Table Now

My son plays with it dont get me wrong. I do wish that it was an over all table tho where you could just build on it and it didnt have the little road in the middle of everything. Prevents him from building the big towers he wants to build and he still ends up bringing all his blocks on the floor or coffee table to build his buildings. He still uses it almost everyday tho. Still a good buy. Sturdy and I like how it folds up so I can bring it with me when we take trips to grandmas.

Read Best Reviews of Mega Bloks Play 'n Go Table Here

First off, I am a huge fan of Mega Blocks.They're bright and colorful, and are wonderful for sparking imagination and creative building. My son builds towers, pirate ships, cities, etc., something new every day.It's great to have a toy these days that does not require batteries! I love that this set comes with a table that can be used both for storage and as a platform for building.I have had one instance where one of the legs gave out, but overall it's been a very sturdy table and has withstood some rough play by my children.I would recommend the expansion pack for this table if you don't have any Mega blocks already, as this one only comes with about 20 pieces. Overall, I highly recommend this set!

Want Mega Bloks Play 'n Go Table Discount?

The legs on this table WILL NOT lock in place, so it is constantly falling down, leading to lots of tears from the 2 year old. Also, the car that comes with the table is too big to fit around the track. A minor detail, but still annoying!

Save 3% Off

Disney Cars Square Table and Chair Set

Disney Cars Square Table and Chair SetI purchased this item for my son, who loves Cars, so that he could eat at it because he was too big for a high chair. He is three and he loves it. He not only loves to sit and eat at it but also he loves to watch movies on his portable DVD player and color and read books at it. It is very sturdy and easy to clean. The backs of the chairs seem a little wobbley but they have held up fine. I think it is just because of the way they are screwed into the bottom part. Other than that I have no complaints. Delivery of this item was very fast.

I was impressed by the durable construction of the Cars toddler table and chairs set. We purchased this for our grandson and he loves to sit at the "kid size" table to eat his meals and play with his toys. The table has a lift up center pocket that can hold toys, supplies, ect. and the two chairs are perfect height for little ones.

Buy Disney Cars Square Table and Chair Set Now

Alex Ready, Set, School Activity Box, Alex Little Hands Series

Alex Ready, Set, School Activity Box, Alex Little Hands SeriesThis is truly a "busy-box" that has fun things to do and is Educational. My son is 3.5 and he loves it, so I love it. I'd buy it again. Kindergarten is no longer a fun little class where you begin to learn. (like in my day 50'COUGH'40 yrs ago) Kids now-a-days have to practically have a college education before they'll let you in! I love learning myself, and knowledge *is* the key to success (imho) but wow! and while I'm glad I can still afford to have my son in preschool 2 days a week, we needed something at home, and Ready, Set, School Activity Box is really great! It includes:

1. Washable notebooks including a washable felt marker.

2. A cute little tennis shoe with BIG laces and a fun little chart to teach how to tie a (bow) shoe lace (yes even though most of the world is now velcro)

3. Plastic scissors for children under 5! (hard to find in my area)

4. Stickers, crayons, stencils

5. Writing by tracing letters (abc's), dot-to-dot, shapes, colors, numbers (on above notebooks)

This is a great buy, whether you're a busy parent, or aren't crafty enough to make the things in the box.

This is a wonderful activity for preschoolers.My daughter is almost 4 and chooses 1 or 2 activities to do each day.They are very well made with bright colors and hours of fun.My daughter loved it so much we bought it for her friend who is also enjoying it.

Buy Alex Ready, Set, School Activity Box, Alex Little Hands Series Now

First, I want to say that we LOVE Alex's craft box kits!We have so many even doubles of some.I ordered this boxed set for my 3 year old for Easter.We were so excited to sit down and open it.Our excitement didn't last too long however.The safety scissors are a big disappointment.They are difficult to use and can barely cut.There is safety and then there is useless.These are useless.Everything that is perforated (snake, lion,...) rips when you try to pop it out.I am an adult very experienced with perforated edges (1st grade teacher) and these are horrible.We ruined the snake to the point of my 3 year old crying.I tried taping it, but I am still angry. And this kit does not include a glue stick which you need like the other Alex kits.So I could keep complaining because everything seems tainted now, but I'll stop.I would have returned it, but my sonwanted to play so bad.P.S. I have opened the sneaker yet.I hope it is a good product because it looks cute.

Read Best Reviews of Alex Ready, Set, School Activity Box, Alex Little Hands Series Here

This box has a nice variety of activities for my two 3.5year old boys. In addition to the usual stickers and coloring it has three (one large, two smaller) nicely colored wipe off writing pads to practice numbers, shapes, letters and dot to dot activities as well as the lace up practice. My favourite of the various Alex sets that we have tried to date

Want Alex Ready, Set, School Activity Box, Alex Little Hands Series Discount?

This is a great activity to do with your young child.My son is 3.5 and we do art projects together.This is educational while also being fun.Highly recommend it for anyone looking for activities that teach kids how to do new things, like cutting, tying, etc.

Save 24% Off

Lipper International 524WN Child's Round Table and 2-Chair set, Walnut

Lipper International 524WN Child's Round Table and 2-Chair set, WalnutLooks great, and the kids love it. The issue we had was that some of the screw-holes for the legs (under the table top) weren't drilled. We had to customize our drill to even reach that far and so close to the table top and maintain a straight angle (live overseas with limited resources). The end result was a beautiful wobbly table, but mostly due to the manufacturer's poor Quality Control procedures and our drilling limitations.

Save 16% Off

Red Round plastic table cover

Red Round plastic table coverVery good value for large (over 150) person party. Hard to find round tablecloths for anything less than $2something. Would do business with this company again

Great color and coverage for any party or potluck and makes for a supe easy cleanup or can easily be re-used.

Buy Red Round plastic table cover Now

Wild Zoo Furniture Childs Wooden Computer Desk for 1 to 2 Kids, Ages 2 to 5, Maple/Tan

Wild Zoo Furniture Childs Wooden Computer Desk for 1 to 2 Kids, Ages 2 to 5, Maple/TanThis is a great desk if you have two little ones.I have 4 and 2 year old daughters and they just got their first Mac and we needed something that would seat them at the right positioning when on the computer.This was the only desk we found for the girls that was an appropriate size for using with a computer.Plus, both the girls can sit together, even better!It looks exactly like the picture, I did rate it 4 stars because for the price I thought it was solid wood, but only the legs and supports are.The table top and seat are particle/MDF board with laminate over it.However, it seemed to be solidly made and supported, I put it together myself with only the tools they provided and it took me about and hour with a few interruptions from the kiddos.Overall it is a fabulous buy if you go through USA Kids Furniture here on Amazon, they havethe best price.

We bought this desk for our 4-year-old, and set it up in the living room where he could play and we could keep an eye on him. The desk has been even more useful than I ever imagined! My son sits at it to play on the computer, but also to color, cut up paper, and read books.

The size is perfect for a preschooler. My son has always been tall for his age, so we bought the growth kit, but we haven't had to use it yet. The desk is also very strong. I've even sat on the bench next to my son, and the desk held us both just fine.

The directions were easy to follow and I was able to put the desk together in about an hour, with my son's "help".

I highly recommend this product! :)

Buy Wild Zoo Furniture Childs Wooden Computer Desk for 1 to 2 Kids, Ages 2 to 5, Maple/Tan Now

We got this model of computer desk because we have two kids and we figured out that they could fight if the sitting was for only 1 person at a time.

They share it nicely and they are super happy whenever they reach the computer for some play time.

I will definately recommend this product, good quality, easy to assemble.

Read Best Reviews of Wild Zoo Furniture Childs Wooden Computer Desk for 1 to 2 Kids, Ages 2 to 5, Maple/Tan Here

I have a 1 and 3 year old, and I wanted a desk that would be the right height for my three year old that would be flexible enough for both boys to use at the same time together later.I looked long and hard, and this desk was just right for me and for the money.I like that it's made in the USA a lot!Assembly was straightforward as were the directions.The desk is in good condition.I also bought the expansion kit for when the boys get older/taller.I haven't used that yet, but it looked like it would be easy to retrofit the desk with the longer legs later.

On the bottom-right shelf, I have a mac-mini for the computer, and the monitor, keyboard and mouse sit on top.If I had a traditional computer with a separate CPU, I am not sure if I would like this desk quite so much.However, if you are familiar with the Dell small form factor computers, one of those would fit nicely on the shelf and would be perfect.A computer with a big CPU would probably have to go on the floor under the desk, or off to the side, which may or may not be a deal breaker for you.For me, it's just right!

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Step2 Art Master Activity Desk

Step2 Art Master Activity DeskWe bought this desk for our daughters 4th birthday.We were hesitant because of the stool. She seems to like the stool.We are thinking maybe a little chair from Ikea might work better.has lots of cubbys to store items.The side holders are a blessing to put work books in and make them more accessible.All in all I am very excited about this desk

We purchase the Step 2 Art Master desk for our 5 year old and he's enjoying every moment of it. This desk is also very durable for kids his age.It allows him to explore his way.

He's at the desk alot now either painting, drawing, writing or reading a book.I personally think this desk was a perfect gift because now he always wants to do some king of school activity which is good because now I won't have to push him to do his homework, the desk will encourage him to do it.I love it and my kid loves it more.

Buy Step2 Art Master Activity Desk Now

I bought this for my daughter as a birthday present last year. She adores it and so do I! I have my own drawing desk and she wanted one of her own so I found this cute desk and decided to try it. It's very sturdy, attractive and functional with loads of storage. It exceeded my expectations by far. I love the little light as an added feature for night time masterpieces. I can see her using this for years to come!

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I got this for my son for Christmas I put it together in minutes. It is made of tuff material and I expect this to last a long time. It is very nice size has lots of compartments.

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My 5 year old loves it and its a great place for all his art supplies.The only thing I wish it was is a little taller; he's tall.It's got tons of storage and easy to move around.

Barbie Sisters Sleeptime Bedroom and Stacie Doll Set

Barbie Sisters Sleeptime Bedroom and Stacie Doll SetI JUST bought this for my daughter at Toys R us two days ago and we paid 19.99 for it. Its a great toy and she has been playing with it every single day. We have lots of fun with it but its deff not work 60 dollars save your money and keep your eyes out for it at toys r us or toy stores where you can buy it from 19.99 to 24.99

It is a cute bright colored product. Easy to assemble and not very fragile.My daughter loves having beds for the girls and the small decorations for each bed. Although not very educational is a lot of fun to play with it.

Buy Barbie Sisters Sleeptime Bedroom and Stacie Doll Set Now

My two daughters have absolutely fallen in love with the Barbie Sisters series and sets. We have collected most of them between my two daughters, aged 7 and 4, and have been very happy. My 4 year old received this set for Christmas and has had such a fun time with it. Between my two daughters using it all over the house, my nephew stepping on it, and a couple of tug of wars between the girls over it, it has taken quite a beating since we've gotten it. I am happy to say that the bunk beds have survived all of these things, and we even still have the laptop and ipod that came with it, which are favorites. The only problem with it is the ladder. This constantly falls off, so my daughter doesn't even use it. It hasn't taken away from the fun factor though. Since this has been so durable and fun, I ended up buying a second set for my 7 year old for her birthday.

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I just bought this at walmart for 27.98. Why on earth is it selling for more than double that on here? Great toy, will provide hours of fun!

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The price was consistently higher priced, but this product was hard to find.Our 5 year old daughter has had hours of fun playing with this in her barbie doll house.It's kind of flimsy, but its still in one piece and it gets hauled around quite a bit.Our daughter isn't that hard on toys though.She enjoys pretending she is having sleep overs.

Dale Tiffany TA90215 Crystal Peony Accent Lamp, Antique Golden Sand and Art Glass Shade

Dale Tiffany TA90215 Crystal Peony Accent Lamp, Antique Golden Sand and Art Glass Shade
  • Dale Tiffany is a world-renowned manufacturer of fine glass lighting and home decor in the tradition of Louis Comfort Tiffany
  • Item measures 7-Inch x 15.25-Inch
  • Beautiful Antique Golden Sand Finish And Art Glass Shade
  • Uses 1 x 60W (E12) bulbs (not included)
  • Simple inline on/off switch operation

This lamp is a little smaller than I expected, but it is a beautiful lamp.I use it on my dresser and it just brightens up the room.Would love to have the table lamp, but everywhere I try, it is sold out..I also have the same light fixture over my dining room table.

This would make a great gift for anyone especially if you like softer pastel tones.

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Beck Children's Wooden Pencil Desk and Chair

Beck Children's Wooden Pencil Desk and ChairThis isn't necessarily a bad value at $35; it's cute but the craftsmanship is poor and the age description is misleading.

The "desk," which is really a table with a drawer, wobbles. One of the screws that came with it (not one related to the wobbly leg issue) had a stripped head so I had to use my own. On the plus side, the pre-drilled holes all lined up.

My biggest gripe is that the manufacturer describes this desk as suitable for ages 36 months to 10 years. We'll be lucky if my average-sized five-year-old can use it for a year before either growing out of it or breaking it through normal use.I'd say it's sized for twoand three-year-olds.

I'd return it if it weren't a hassle to take it apart again and repack and ship it.

Despite the poor review(s) on this product, I have to claim that this product is well made. The colorful pieces looks great. The table was easy to install. The screws fit well. Installs in a snap. What I did additionally to make sure the table was sturdy when installed, is that I used some carpenter's glue and applied a tiny amount between the joining wood pieces before I screw them together. Yes, this would make the parts join permanently, but I have no intention of returning it or disassembling it in the meantime.

My toddler daughter likes it and the height of this table is just right for her.

I would recommend this product for anyone who is looking around for a cute and stylish wooden table for their young toddlers.

Buy Beck Children's Wooden Pencil Desk and Chair Now

At first, I was a little bit skeptical about this product due to the one negative feedback about this product. But I decided to go with my instincts that it can't be this bad and decided to buy it anyway. To my surprise, I am very happy with this product. My daughter is almost 2 years of age and she seems to like this new desk and chair. It was also very easy to install from the packaging. The screws and pre-drilled holes all aligned properly and the fit for each piece of the furniture fitted together nicely. I also used a bit of carpenter's glue to glue the pieces together before screwing them onto each other. This way the table would be a bit more sturdier. This wasn't recommended by the instruction manual, just something I thought of.

Overall, this is a well made product for the price it's offered here.

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I am quite happy with this, it is small, but perfect for my 3 year old, I could see it working for 1-4 but it is working perfectly for what we need it is holding a Fisher-Price Fun-2-Learn Computer Cool School Keyboard and a 19in lcd monitor -

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It's pretty small, but my toddler still uses it and I would recommend it to other parents. It's sturdy and it's great for small spaces also.